South Park: Phone Destroyer Beginner Guide and Everything You Should Know With LDPlayer 9


The card game South Park: Phone Destroyer was created by RedLynx Ubisoft, and with this South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner guide, we will introduce you to the most important things you must know as a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner. The game's engaging gameplay and freemium aspects are well-balanced, and it requires you to use some strategic thinking.




As a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner, you should know that this game has two main goals. The first one is creating a solid card deck, and the second one is winning one vs. one battle. But unlike other games, you can't just upgrade the epic cards you get; you need a good balance between your standard card and epics. Let's see how you can improve your skills as a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner also with a South Park: Phone Destroyer on PC gameplay with LDPlayer 9.


How You Should Spend the Cash


A South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner will surely make the mistake of spending their premium currency on non-essential items like deals and lockers without legendary cards. However, one of the best ways to use the premium currency is to buy legendary cards, mainly if they help you reach a higher level. You could also save that money to buy the Battle Pass, which gives you the best return on investment.


Do Not Ignore the Meta


South Park: Phone Destroyer beginners often think that knowing the meta doesn't matter. The meta is the most crucial part of the game. Always try to learn which cards are strong and which ones to avoid. Also, understand which themes work well together because there are key cards for each theme that you must have. You will benefit more than you think from learning these things.


Join a Team


Try to join a team as soon as possible when you start playing because not being on a team will hurt you more. Having a team is the best thing about this game that nobody talks about, and you will meet new people. Please ensure they are active before joining because they will likely make team wars and finish events. As a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner, don't join a higher league team because entering a lower league one will give you the chance to participate in team matches.


Joining an active team is the best way to request cards and get the commons and rare cards you want. In addition to answering your questions, they also offer you the chance to participate in team wars, making it simpler and cheaper for you to get legendary cards.


Team Wars


The team war comprises three parts that happen for a week. The first part of the team war is voting. You will have two days to vote on cards you want to use in the team war. If you're going to leave the team, you have to leave at this phase without voting, or if you leave after this phase, you have to wait for the week to pass if you want to participate in another team war.


After the voting phase comes to the upgrade phase here, you will collect bottle caps and farm or upgrade your PvP pack; you do as much as possible to collect bottle caps and then work with your team to boost their power.


Then comes the last two days of team wars; it is the battle day, mostly set around Saturday and Sunday, but it could be different from time zone to time zone. You can fight on both days until you finish your first three battle wins or three battle losses; whichever comes first decide who you are. 


PvE and PvP Grinding


Grinding is an essential part of the game that you have to do if you want to move forward as a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner. There are a lot of benefits to doing this. For example, you can use the tickets you get from PvP to buy PvP packs. It would help if you tried to purchase and finish at least one PVP pack. For example, when you finish PVP packs, you get different awards.


For PvP, we can do all the call-girl missions. There are a lot of tasks to do, and you need to make sure you do them all before the next update because you can get a lot of cards and even a few legendary cards by doing them. As a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner, you should try to finish them as soon as possible.


Spend Money on Supplies First, Then on Cards


Due to the high cost of upgrading your beginning hand of cards, materials will be your primary limiting factor for the first several hours of the game. You may purchase various items necessary for advancement from any of the game's many stores. In order to level up all of your strong cards, it is recommended that you use the cash and PvP tickets you earn early on to purchase supplies. When you get to that level, you may begin buying cards for the game's actual advancements.


Focus On One Deck


If you have started playing PvE, this may be a little late for you, but if you are reading this before starting to play the game, this is something you can do to get a head start. With this method, we are going to milk the early game RNG to our advantage. To do that, you should not complete stage five episode two, 10th level and above; the cards you get from shops, PVE packs, or even PvP packs will all be forced on either neutral or adventure themes. 


This will allow you to complete a good deck. So make sure to stay at this level in PvE as much as possible. For example, Stan of many moons is a hard-to-get Legendary card, but if you did not complete the 10th level, you have a good chance of getting it. 


There are some cards in adventure packs you should upgrade, and once, you should avoid them like the plague. If you stay updated on meta and what people are focusing on at the time you are playing, you can choose what to upgrade; if you don't know how to, try asking your team.


When upgrading your cards, don't try to update all of the cards in one theme; instead, try to focus on specific cards you know or think will be helpful for you. Because getting resources is not easy as a Free to play player. Once you get to the bronze or silver league, you can then move on through the PvE as usual. This method will help you to focus on one pack and get a good head start. 


Learn All the Cards and Their Counter Cards


Knowing your opponent's deck is crucial in both PvP and PvE fights. If you are facing a tank, you should try placing your high DPS dealers to get rid of him faster. Assassins tend to go for the throat, so if you see one coming your way, you should place a card that spawns multiple troops like the rat swarm to distract and send your assassin to remove it from the board. When placing a tank, don't place them in corners; instead, place them where they can hold off a lot of incoming damage. 


One important thing you should do as a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner is collect the free card packs as soon as they reset because the time countdown starts from the moment you collect them; to avoid letting these go to waste, try to get them in time. If you always forget and think you collect the card pack at 6 AM when you get up if you did not log in, that means you will miss at least two PVP and two PvE packs; you can use LDPlayer 9’s Operation Record to do that for you; this is how you do it.

  • Go to the LDPlayer website and download the LDPlayer 9 and install it.


  • Now open the LDPlayer, go to the Google App Store, and download the game.


  • Now collect the cartman shop and collect the pack and then go back to PVP and collect the free pack and Press F10 again (this will stop the record)


  • Now you will see a new window with your operation record; click on the gear symbol to access the settings and apply the following settings.


  • Run until manually stop


  • Set the loop interval to 18000


  • Execute a script when LDPlayer starts


  • Restart LDplayer after 240 minutes and save


  • Now even on a busy morning, you just have to open the LDPlayer, and the job of collecting cards will be taken care of by the Operation Record. This is surely a good way for a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner not to miss the free packs.



We have discussed many things a South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner should know, including what you should and should not do. Knowing the items listed in this guide early on will help you immensely. We appreciate you taking the time to read through our South Park: Phone Destroyer beginner guide, but it is now time for us to wrap things up.

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