Best Build - What will be the Best Build to Beat the Best

2022-09-09 is an adventure game you can try out to participate in many adventurous things here. Dozens of zombies to blast, face-to-face encounters with monster bosses, the security and survivability of the city is in your hands, and you have a great responsibility to keep the city protected from these evil monsters. Therefore, to fulfill your duty, you must learn some facts about the weapons with the best skills to use for a best build. 




Therefore, this guide will ensure that you will learn how to have a best build here that can eliminate any enemy, no matter how powerful they are. Since the game lets you face thousands of evil enemies, you will need this guide to learn what will be the best build to beat the best. 


The Lightchaser

The first weapon we explain in this best build guide is the Lightchaser, and this will be one of the best weapons you can use to blast every single enemy out there, but unfortunately, we do not recommend you to use this weapon when it is a boss fight.


To evolve the Lightchaser into a new thing, you should use the Ronin Oyoroi. Leveling up this weapon will increase the damage that this Lightchaser causes while adding extra lightning bolts to the weapon in each upgrade. 




Kunai is also another best build weapon because it is a weapon that performs a great deal of damage to the enemies who are closer to you in the battleground. 


Also, do not forget to upgrade this weapon because the more you add stars to your Kunai, the more Kunais will dispatch to attack enemies at a time with increased damage.


Even though this is a single-target weapon, you do not have to aim at the enemies manually as a player. Still, Kunai itself aims automatically, and it attacks the enemies without getting any break. And you can evolve this Kunai into Ninja Shuriken, but it will cost you Koga Spirit Scroll.


Baseball Bat

You can use this Baseball Bat as a best build in your gameplay to have higher results in effectively killing zombies because of its unique skills, such as knockback distance doubled and attacks inflicted bleed. And this weapon will be one of the best weapons to use in early game phases.


The more you upgrade the Baseball Bat, the more it extends the attack range, adds damage, and reduces the attack cooldown. 


Therefore we can conclude that this is way better than the shotgun and other weapons when considering the damage and knockback. 


Since the Baseball Bat has a good range, it will be more essential in using against the enemy bosses because killing them from a reasonable distance is better than being killed by getting closer to the enemy. 


Using the fitness guide, the player can evolve the Baseball Bat into a Lucille, which is more beneficial in the gameplay for you. 



The shotgun is a that you can try to deal two times damage to the zombies in front of you on the battlefield, and this is a weapon that deals a decent amount of damage.


The shotgun uses high-power bullets when firing, which increases the attack by 20% inside the game. Also, when you upgrade the shotgun using specific resources, it increases the number of bullets you can use to shoot at a time, which means at the beginning of the game, you will see only three shots. 


But when you upgrade it more and more, you will finally be able to shoot with 15 bullets at a time, making your damage spread in the broader area. Another happy thing about this shotgun is that it can evolve into a Gatling-like machine gun used to perform massacres. 


Here, the most significant disadvantage is when you use a shotgun, you have to wait for a decent amount of time until it starts firing because it has a considerable amount of time intervals. At that time, the zombies will gather around you, and all you have to do is run away, making you feel like this is an endless running game.



Katana is another best build you can use in this gameplay to kill many zombies at once.


You can evolve this weapon to Demon Blade using a Ronin Oyoroi that deals much damage to the enemies in this game, and when you upgrade this Katana, the game will add one extra blade for it in every upgrade. 


And also, using this Katana, you can attack enemies in the direction you face and the enemies in your back. 


Top Skills to Use

To have the best build, weapons are not the only important factor, but also the skills are essential to have the best build in this game. 


  • Lightning - this is a skill anyone can use to deal with boss enemies in this game because this skill makes you capable of causing the best single-hit damage. 


  • Guardian - this will be very handy when you are in a situation where many enemies are shooting at you simultaneously because this skill allows you to resist enemies' bullets. 


  • The Brick - this is a good skill you can choose in matches if you are interested in dealing massive damage to the zombie bosses you encounter in this game.


Best Gameplay with LDPlayer 9

After you have the best build, you can go into the match and kill the enemies with a cheerful spirit because now you have a guarantee that you will not be failed in front of dozens of enemies because of the best builds you learned. 


But even though you have these builds, how can you improve the best gaming experience in each match? Because moving the character is so slow when using the joystick for that, and that is why you need to play this mobile game on PC with the best android emulator LDPlayer 9. 


So many features and tools that ease your gameplay are there in this LDPlayer 9, and the feature you will need to optimize this gameplay is the Keyboard Mapping feature that allows you to create your controls by replacing all the commands given in the game.


For example, you can use W, S, D, and A to move the character in different directions faster without letting the zombie hordes surround you. For making it into better gameplay, you can also refer to our tips from here. 



As you have this guide which will lead you to form the best build, would you think that any monster will be capable of killing you? No way. To survive among thousands of zombies; the first thing you will need is the best build that makes you stronger than every enemy you face here. And also, please remember that the best build depends on the chapters you will play in this game.

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