Tarisland Dungeon Guide - How to Play and Succeed


Tarisland is one of the best MMORPGs out there that you can play and start a unique adventure in a fascinating world. This game gets all the attraction of the players out there because of its seamless game content that makes the players more thrilled about it. When speaking of the game, yes, it has main quests to complete the storyline, amazing raids, world boss battles, and, most importantly, dungeons. Yes, the game has different dungeons that you can start participating in and earn amazing, wonderful bonus rewards. So, if you are one of the players who is curious about the dungeon system, this guide will show you everything related to Tarisland dungeons. 

Tarisland Dungeon Guide


The dungeons here are of different types, and they offer you different challenges. In order to unlock these dungeons, you need to reach several levels in this game. Also, the dungeons are very helpful when you level up in Tarisland. Therefore, every beginner player who dreams of leveling up in the game and earning more XP must learn about these dungeons. Not just that, the dungeons are a playable game mode you can try out, in addition to completing main quests all the time. So, get ready to learn about the dungeons you can explore in this fascinating world, and then play Tarisland on PC with LDPlayer 9, hoping to jump into all these dungeons. 

Library of Chaos Dungeon

When you go through this Tarisland gameplay, you will come across many dungeons, one of which is the Library of Chaos. In order to gain access to this dungeon in the standard difficulty, you have to be at least level thirteen. Not just that, make sure your character is equipped with at least basic gear items so that it can do well with the challenges in this dungeon. 

Library of Chaos Dungeon


In the beginning, make sure you complete the challenges in the Library of Chaos in the standard difficulty. But later, once you reach at least level eighteen or higher, you can participate in the elite challenges in this dungeon, which are much more difficult compared to the standard challenges. 

Whatever the difficulty level you choose, you have to defeat three bosses in this dungeon to complete the challenge and exit with the best rewards similar to the rewards you claim with active Tarisland codes. In this section now, we will check out the bosses you will meet in this dungeon and how to defeat them. 


This is the first boss you will meet in this Library of Chaos dungeon in Tarisland. You have to defeat this boss to reach the next phase of this dungeon challenge. In order to defeat Silno, first, you have to make sure you are always out of its attack range because its skills can deal a huge amount of damage to you at once. Also, make sure you keep some space with your teammates so that any of them won't get affected by the attacks of Silno. 




After dealing with the initial boss, you can meet the next boss, who is much more formidable than the Silno. When battling against Satyug, the main thing to consider is the timing. Since the power of Satyug lies in its skill to cast elemental energy, make sure to touch the elemental orbs on the battlefield to prevent Satyug from getting damage buffs. Also, note that it is hard to evade Satyug's elemental attacks, but you must try harder to avoid their damage to you. 




The final boss that you will encounter in the Library of Chaos dungeon is Bonacius. Compared to all other bosses, this is the most powerful boss that no one dares to challenge. When fighting against Bonacius, always try to keep enough space so that you can avoid damage from Bonacius's skills. Make sure you are out of range of its skill attacks to make sure you and your teammates will survive. 

Merfolk Swamp Dungeon

The second dungeon we will speak of in this Tarisland dungeon guide is the Merfolk Swamp dungeon. As in the previous dungeon, you need to achieve some requirements to access this dungeon. 

Merfolk Swamp Dungeon


The entry-level qualifications for the normal challenges in the Merfolk Swamp dungeon are at least level twenty-seven in the gameplay, and the equipment level must be level fifty-nine. But if you are looking to participate in elite challenges here, you have to reach level thirty-four. So, right now, we will check out the bosses you will meet when you are in the Merfolk Swamp dungeon Tarisland gameplay. 


Fraser is the first boss that you will deal with in the Merfolk Swamp dungeon. In order to achieve victory by defeating this boss, you first need to have a grasp of attacking and dodging his skills. Also, when Fraser tries to heal him, remember to attack him continually to interrupt him from healing. 

Vidu Deep

The next boss in the Merfolk Dungeon is the Vidu Deep. This boss takes the form of an octopus with a mutated appearance. Here, listen; if you want to defeat this monster, it is a must to have a tank role character in your team. Also, try to avoid the attacks of Vidu Deep as much as possible. 


The final figure appearing in this dungeon is the Kanros, who possesses amazing abilities. Yes, compared to other bosses, Kanros has unique skills that require you to be cautious about your actions on the battlefield. It is a must to balance your attacks on Kanros to avoid ending your attacks and add more advantages to Kanros on the battlefield. 

Camp Carlyan Dungeon

Here comes another dungeon in the Tarisland gameplay called Camp Carlyan. In this dungeon, you will meet bosses to deal with, and once you are successful in dealing with all the bosses, you can earn a huge amount of rewards. 

Camp Carlyan Dungeon


But to be honest, you cannot participate in normal challenges in the Camp Carlyan dungeon if you haven't yet reached level seventeen in this game, along with 33 combat powers. Also, you have to reach level twenty-eight to participate in elite dungeon challenges here. Let us now check out the bosses you may face in this dungeon and how to defeat them strategically. 


This is the first boss you will meet in this Tarisland dungeon, and this boss is formidable for any adventurer to take on. Since the skills of Boomspike are threatening, the first thing to do when battling against Boomspike is to dodge its skills as much as possible. No matter what class you play, among all the Tarisland classes, make sure to dodge its threatening skills. 


Redpike is the second boss you will encounter in this dungeon and note that this boss is more powerful compared to the previous one. Redpike is an experienced combatant who has mastered different kinds of weapons and equipment items. During the battles against this boss, you have to stay out of its attack range, especially when Redpike unleashes its major attacks. 


The final boss encounter that happens in the Camp Carlyan dungeon is the Reggiepike. When facing this boss, don't underestimate their combat skills, as they are exceptional. In order to defeat this boss, you need to get out of its attack range every time it tries to unleash skills. Not just that, you have to keep an eye on your surroundings because this boss uses dirty tricks in sneak mode so that you will not be surprised by its surprise attacks. 

Forest Altar Dungeon

As you know, each dungeon in Tarisland gameplay comes in normal or standard and has elite difficulty challenges. In order to participate in this dungeon in normal challenges, you have to be at least level thirty-three, which indicates how complex the challenges will be. Also, your character must be equipped with gear items upgraded to level sixty-six. 

Forest Altar Dungeon


If you have acquired all these conditions, you can enter this dungeon. But if you want to participate in elite challenges, you have to be at least level thirty-five with more powerful gear items. In this dungeon, too, you have to defeat three bosses, and these bosses are very tough to deal with. 


Once you enter the Forest Altar dungeon, the first boss you meet is Florena. Florena is a challenging boss with amazing skills and capabilities. When taking part in battles against Florena, the first strategy to follow is to stick together with the teammates so that it will not be too difficult to withstand the damage dealt by her skills. 


The next boss you might encounter through this Forest Altar dungeon is Bilmer. This massive boss is a tough one to deal with, so you have to prepare for the worst when engaging in a battle with it. When you battle Bilmer with a team, it is essential for every teammate to do their role according to their character classes. If one role fails to do its duty according to its class, then there is no way you will be against this boss. 

Kylin Lofeng

Kylin Lofeng is the final boss in this dungeon, where it can control lightning and wind elemental powers. Since this boss has mastered two elements, it is not a secret that this will be a huge challenge for any player. When fighting this boss in this dungeon, you have to maintain a fast movement ability. Also, you have to keep moving here and there carefully in order to make sure to avoid Kylin's hits throughout the battles. 


Thanks to this guide about dungeons, now you know everything related to dungeons, including what dungeons you can explore here and when you will unlock them, along with how to play and succeed in dungeon challenges. Regardless of whether you are a Tarisland beginner, honestly, you have a good understanding of these dungeons now. So, apply the best Tarisland tips you have learned and participate in dungeon challenges with the hope of victory.

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