Beat the Opponents with Best The Wandering Oasis Tips and Tricks - A Newbie Guide


Welcome to The Wandering Oasis, a dynamic and strategic mobile game where you lead a nomadic community through a vast desert landscape. As a beginner, navigating the myriad of structures, units, and mechanics can be overwhelming. This guide aims to streamline your journey, offering practical tips and tricks to outmaneuver opponents and establish a thriving oasis.

The Wandering Oasis Tips and Tricks - A Newbie Guide


In The Wandering Oasis, your success hinges on efficient management of resources, strategic upgrades of buildings, and effective use of your army and Titan. From prioritizing key structures to maximizing your gathering efficiency, every decision you make will shape your path to victory. We’ll delve into the specifics of building upgrades, army management, resource gathering, and more, ensuring you have a robust foundation to expand your oasis and dominate the desert.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your strategies, this guide provides comprehensive insights and actionable steps to help you excel. Let’s play The Wandering Oasis on PC with LDPlayer and start this adventure and turn your wandering community into a powerful and prosperous oasis!

Get to Know the Buildings

The Wandering Oasis features various structures, each with a specific purpose. Some buildings serve as storage units, which you need to upgrade to increase your storage capacity. Raising your storage capacity requires resources, creating a cycle of upgrades that significantly enhances your Wandering Oasis.

  • Focus on Production and Storage: In the early stages, prioritize upgrading production and storage buildings. This ensures a steady supply of resources for future upgrades and expansions.
  • Defensive and Offensive Structures: Once you start unlocking defensive and offensive structures, these should become your next priority. Always remember to upgrade your defensive buildings even though they might not always be on your immediate upgrade list. They can provide a critical line of defense during raids.

Get to Know the Buildings


Offensive Buildings

One of the key offensive structures you'll unlock in The Wandering Oasis are various army training facilities. Before producing troops, ensure these buildings are upgraded to the level of your town center or the highest allowed level. This unlocks higher-tier soldiers, saving you from spending resources on lower-tier troops that may become obsolete quickly. Never stop troop production; although troops take a long time to produce, having a large and continuously growing army is essential for engaging in game content effectively.

Managing Your Army

Efficient management of your army is crucial for maintaining a strong defense and achieving success in battles. Follow these guidelines to keep your army in top shape:

  • Maximize Capacity: Always maintain your army at its maximum capacity. Upgrade your barracks and training facilities to accommodate the highest available tier of each soldier type.
  • Healing After Battles: After engaging in battles, your troops will sustain damage. Regularly use the healing structures to heal your wounded soldiers.
  • Healing Costs: Healing costs are typically lower than the cost of training new troops. Therefore, prioritize healing your existing soldiers to conserve resources.
  • Upgrade Healing Structures: To speed up the healing process, upgrade your healing buildings. This allows you to heal more soldiers at once and reduces downtime between battles.
  • Routine Healing: Make a habit of healing your troops after every battle to keep your army ready for the next conflict.
  • Efficient Use of Resources: Invest in upgrading your healing facilities to enhance their capacity and efficiency, ensuring that your army can quickly recover from losses.

By effectively managing both your population and your army, you’ll ensure that your town in The Wandering Oasis thrives and remains well-defended.

Gathering Efficiency

Efficiency in resource gathering is crucial for rapid progress in the early game. Every building project requires resources, and until you unlock the continental map, you’ll depend on your local land for these supplies.

Gathering Efficiency


  • Minimize Travel Time: Assign workers to gathering locations and strategically position the relevant storage buildings closer to these sites. This reduces travel time, increasing production speed.
  • Upgrade Storage: Leveling up your storage buildings not only increases gathering speed but also enhances the amount each worker can carry, further boosting your resource accumulation.

Choosing the Lord Skills

Lord skills in The Wandering Oasis can be categorized into three main groups:

  1. Offensive Skills: These skills enhance your ability to attack and deal damage to opponents.
  2. Defensive Skills: These skills boost your ability to defend your territory and withstand attacks.
  3. Economic Skills: Although not as clearly defined as the other two categories, these skills are crucial for boosting your economic productivity.

Choosing the Lord Skills


To identify economic skills, look for those that directly increase your production capabilities. Key examples include:

  • Worker Movement Speed: Increases the speed at which workers move, enhancing their efficiency.
  • Collection Speed: Speeds up the rate at which resources are gathered.
  • Troop Training Speed: Reduces the time required to train troops, allowing for quicker army expansion.
  • Building Speed: Accelerates construction times, enabling faster development of your infrastructure.

Focusing on economic skills means you can improve your economy without relying on other game methods to gather resources. This streamlined approach helps you build a robust foundation, ensuring that your economy supports your military and defensive efforts efficiently.

Speed Ups and Extra Builder

As you advance in The Wandering Oasis, you’ll often find that your progress is limited not just by resources, but by the time it takes to complete building upgrades. One of the biggest challenges is that you must wait for one structure to finish upgrading before you can start another. This can significantly slow your progress.

Speed Ups and Extra Builder


Using Speed Ups Effectively:

  • Short Upgrades: For upgrades that take only a few minutes (e.g., 10 minutes), it’s usually best to wait. Use this time to explore other game options or complete different tasks, then return to the game to continue upgrading.
  • Long Upgrades: When upgrade times exceed 20 minutes, it becomes more practical to use your speed ups. As you progress in The Wandering Oasis, you’ll encounter upgrade times stretching to 2 or 3 hours. This is where speed ups become essential.

Reserve your 30-minute and 1-hour speed ups for longer upgrades to maximize their impact. You receive these speed ups for free early in the game, so use them wisely to maintain steady progress.

Investing in an Extra Builder

If you're open to spending money on the game, investing in an extra builder is one of the best ways to enhance your progress. With an additional builder, you can work on two buildings simultaneously, effectively doubling your construction speed.

  • Increased Efficiency: Allows you to upgrade or construct two structures at the same time, significantly accelerating your overall progress.
  • Permanent Boost: Unlike speed ups, which are consumable, the extra builder provides a permanent improvement to your building capabilities.

Carefully managing your speed ups and considering an investment in an extra builder are key strategies for advancing quickly and efficiently in The Wandering Oasis.

Managing Population

In The Wandering Oasis, your population is directly tied to your housing. The more housing you have, the more workers you can accommodate, which in turn speeds up resource collection. Here’s how to effectively manage your population:

  • Start with Limited Housing: Initially, you may only have two houses. Focus on upgrading these houses as much as possible to increase your population capacity.
  • Upgrade for Growth: As you level up your town, additional housing options become available. Ensure that all your housing structures are upgraded to the highest level permitted by your current town level.
  • Maximize Efficiency: By keeping your houses at their maximum level, you’ll have enough workers to meet your resource collection needs. This will enhance your overall productivity and support your town's growth.
  • Continuous Upgrades: Always check if you can upgrade your housing further as your town level increases.
  • Balanced Growth: Make sure your population growth aligns with your resource needs to avoid shortages or idle workers.

Leveling Up Titan

The Titan is essentially the guardian of your The Wandering Oasis village, and maintaining its well-being is vital. A higher Titan immunity level grants you access to better quality resources and rewards from guidance quests. Therefore, investing in the Titan's health and happiness directly benefits your village’s prosperity.

Leveling Up Titan


  • Feeding the Titan: To increase the Titan’s affection towards you, regularly feed it. This will help level up its immunity. You can access the feeding option by zooming out to open the Titan interaction menu.
  • Calming the Titan: During adverse weather conditions, you need to calm it down to prevent negative effects on your village.
  • Healing the Titan: If the Titan is injured or under the weather, make sure to heal it promptly. Keeping the Titan healthy is essential for maintaining high immunity.
  • Administering Tonics: Use special tonics to boost the Titan’s health and immunity levels. These tonics provide additional benefits and can accelerate the process of increasing immunity.
  • Regular Interaction: Frequently interact with your Titan to keep it in good spirits and ensure it remains effective in supporting your village.
  • Resource Allocation: Invest resources into feeding and healing the Titan as needed to maintain a high level of immunity.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Titan remains a powerful ally in The Wandering Oasis, contributing to the growth and success of your village through improved guidance quests and enhanced resource acquisition.

Activate VIP Trial

On your first day in The Wandering Oasis, you’ll be introduced to the VIP system. Activating your VIP free trial can significantly accelerate your early progress in the game. The trial lasts for one day and provides several key benefits:

  • Increased Building Speed: Enhances your construction speed, allowing you to complete buildings faster.
  • Boosted Gathering Speed: Increases the efficiency of resource gathering, enabling you to collect essential supplies more quickly.
  • Instant Completion for Short Builds: Instantly completes any building upgrades that take 60 minutes or less, saving you valuable time.

Activate VIP Trial


These advantages are particularly beneficial during the initial stages, helping you build a strong foundation and advance through the early game rapidly. To maximize these perks, activate your VIP trial as soon as you start playing and focus on upgrading essential buildings and gathering resources efficiently.


Mastering The Wandering Oasis requires a blend of strategic planning, efficient resource management, and smart building upgrades. By focusing on your production and storage, optimizing your army and healing structures, and effectively using speed ups and builders, you can ensure steady progress and maintain a formidable defense. Additionally, managing your population, selecting the right Lord skills, and taking care of your Titan are crucial for sustaining your oasis’s growth. With these tips and tricks, you’re well-equipped to outmaneuver opponents and lead your community to prosperity in The Wandering Oasis.

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