Torchlight Infinite Pet System and Pact Guide – Everything to Know


It is time to handle so many dungeons and go through some gears as well as many ARPG aspects with a journey through the darkness. There are a lot of things to deal with here with the darkness and many things to be learned by the players too. So, if you are just a beginner, here is a guide for you to learn everything about the Torchlight Infinite pet system and the Pact, and we will give you a brief explanation for it through this guide.





Torchlight Infinite Pet System and Pact Guide


So through this Torchlight Infinite pet system and pact guide, we will make you aware of how this system will work and everything related to its working system. So, be prepared and take Torchlight Infinite on PC to get started with the pet system and the Pact.


Overview of the Pet System

First, you need to have a basic idea for the Torchlight Infinite pet system with a clear definition for it. Basically, the game starts with a base pack layout, and the same layout will be applied to all characters when they start the game. But it is also possible to change this Pact with a different layout, and it can be done by adding some pets.


You need to know that not all pets have the same type of bonuses because they can be changed from one to another. So, we recommend all the players to read about these bonuses because it can help you to decide which pet will be most suitable for you to have a stronger build and to become more successful with your goals in the game.


How to Acquire Your Pets?

The next thing that you need to understand from the Torchlight Infinite pet system is the methods of how you can have them. As the first method, we can recommend you to buy these pets from the Boon, and for this, you will need some in-game currencies like Jagged Primocryst. If you don't know how to earn these Primocrysts, know that you can have them by doing several activities from the game, your weekly challenges, and the pass rewards.


Currently, there are a generous amount of Jagged Primocrysts offered by the game, and since Torchlight Infinite is still in the beta phase, those currencies are at your game's launch. Suppose you are lacking with the pre-dragon Primocrysts. Then you can try buying the pre-full-on Primocrysts, which is considered the paid version of the Primocrysts. Those are also helping you to buy your pets from the pet system.


How to Acquire Your Pets


There are many other options that you can consider for having pets from the Boon with different options. So don't forget to check them all because they have some other ways that will work finely for you. And those will also help you to have your targeted pet.


How to Put Your Pets for the Tier Tree?

Once you successfully manage to earn the pet you want from the Torchlight Infinite pet system, you can place them with the tier tree. This can be done in so many ways, and you must be careful enough to read what these pets are doing first. Then put them into the tier tree.


To place a pet in the tier tree, you can click on them and then click the Pact so the pet will go for the place in the tree.


How to Put Your Pets for the Tier Tree


Sorting Out the Skills

Once the pets have been chosen, it is time to sort out the skills. Go to the skill you want to give and place at least two rings for the first inner ring. This will unlock a point from the upper ring. Once you have all three locations from the middle ring, you are free to go for the upper ring at any point in the game.


Changing the Options of the Pets

The Torchlight Infinite pet system allows players to change their pet options too. This can be done if you do not like your chosen pet's options by changing back to the base tree. This can be done free of charge. You can also reverse the points here and move your pet to another place as you want.


Changing the Options of the Pets


There are some things to be mentioned here, especially because the Torchlight Infinite pet system is a pay-to-win system. The first thing is that you can definitely have some advantages by having these pets, and they are known to give you some bonuses in the aspect of survivability and damage. EXP gains as well as from the drop rates.


How you manage your pets will give you more benefits for the game than one who doesn't have pets, and note that the pets will not define your game. You can still beat the game with no pets and by only having a base pack. Although there are some ways to have some free pets here, it is still possible to decline them and enjoy the game with what you have. But for those who are looking for a change in their game, use the Torchlight Infinite pet system and gain the advantages of it from its best.


Do the Best Outplay for your Game with LDPlayer 9

For the players who just want an outstanding performance from the Torchlight Infinite game, you are recommended to the best android emulator: LDPlayer 9, because it has all the features to advance your gaming.


Do the Best Outplay for your Game with LDPlayer 9


The Keyboard Mapping feature is there with W, D, A and S keys for your movements and more than that, you have a chance to define your controls. What you see as the easiest controlling option, you are free to set it here and if you really want to give your best to the game, have your gameplay actions customized the way you want.



And that is everything we have to give you from this Torchlight Infinite pet system guide, and we hope that you have guidance to them with a better understanding from here. It is up to you to decide whether you want to use them. But using them will not be bad, and it only comes with benefits. And if you are one who is looking for the best guidance to start gaming, we recommend you refer to our Torchlight Infinite beginner guide as well.

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