Ultimate Beginner Guide to FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight - A Complete Walkthrough with Best Tips


Hey, we have found another fascinating game that you will find interesting to play, FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight. In this game, you enter a fantastic magical adventure where you will gather the best companions to support you in this adventure and continue the action gameplay. What makes this gameplay more enjoyable for the players worldwide is its anime storyline since the game came out from a specific anime. Like in the anime, here you will go through awesome story scenes and epic battles as well. So, let's find out what tricks will help you do your best in this FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight gameplay through this beginner guide. 

Ultimate Beginner Guide to FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight

FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight Download FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight on PC

As you play the game for the first time, your first gameplay mode is the story mode, and once you progress on it gradually, other modes will be available to you. You will never feel bored whenever you enter the game because the playable content is massive here. Since the game is quite enjoyable and you look forward to playing it, help yourself with the best tips and tricks by reading this beginner guide. Later, you can play FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight on PC with LDPlayer 9. 

Recruit the Strongest Companions to Help You

When speaking of battles, you need stronger companions to the battle team to successfully continue the adventure and overcome all the challenges you face in this game. Since the stronger companions will help you defeat monsters and enemies so quickly, you can go to the recruitment system in this game to summon heroes. Here, the recruitment system offers various summoning options for the companions to give you a helping hand, and each option has issued different drop rates for the companions of various rarities. 

Recruit the Strongest Companions to Help You

In case you don't know, the companions with higher rarities are very powerful compared to those with lower rarities. But, due to the drop rates given for companions of higher rarities being low and the companions of lower rarities being high, you will not get the higher rarity powerful companions easily to your gameplay. 

As you have to face this trouble, we have a solution for you to recruit the best companions for the gameplay by rerolling. When you reroll, first play the FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight game on your PC using LDPlayer 9 and then create multiple instances to reroll using the Multi-Instance Sync feature. After you are done following it, you can start rerolling using all the accounts to easily and quickly get the strongest companions to the team. 

Start with the FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight Story Mode

Are you excited to know where you will begin this FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight gameplay? Your first destination in this game on the path of success and progress is the story mode. In this story mode, you will see chapters with several stages to complete. Completing all the stages will help you finish one chapter of the story and go to the next chapter. If you would love to know the story in this gameplay and its epic battle scenes, as in the original anime, you have to complete the chapters in story mode. 

Start with the FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight Story Mode

Most stages in this mode have battles for you, and you must complete them performing the best. Here, you can get a maximum of three stars for each stage if you acquire all the conditions that must be met during the battles. Once you win the battles by defeating all the enemies, performing the best, and achieving all conditions, you can earn three stars maximum, along with dozens of rewards. 

Before you enter a battle stage, you can look at the enemies you face and the rewards you gain upon completing the battle successfully. Also, you can adjust your team lineup, assigning the best you have obtained following the trick above to have a guaranteed win in each battle stage. Ah, we forgot to tell you that the story mode comes in two categories: normal and elite. The normal mode is easy to win, but the elite mode is hard to win because its difficulty level is higher than the normal mode. When you first start the story, you will start it in the normal mode and then gradually advance to elite mode. Since the story is the key to your success here, complete as many chapters as possible in one go. 

Skill Attacks to Defeat Enemies

During the battles, you meet enemies, and to defeat them, you can use the skills of your companions. You can defeat enemies and win battles by unleashing the right skills at the right time. Every companion you use in the battle team has different skills; therefore, before you unleash the skills of the main character you control on the battlefield, you must understand their skills. With a good understanding of the skills, you can always win the battles by defeating enemies. 

Skill Attacks to Defeat Enemies

Remember, every skill has a cooldown time, which prevents the players from using the same skill continually. Therefore, when unleashing final blows, which are the ultimates, ensure that you do it at the right time; if not, your attempt will be in vain. 

Enhance the Companions in FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight

Even if you have the strongest companions to assist you in this new adventure, if their powers don't match the gameplay phase you are in, then surely you cannot win the stages. Therefore, whenever you advance in the FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight game, make sure to advance the power of your characters as well so that they become a great match to the villains they will use in advanced battle stages. So, how do you enhance the power of the companions in this gameplay? It is easy and the game provides you with many methods that you can follow to enhance the companions. Here we go and find out who they are!

Enhance the Companions in FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight

If you are familiar with playing games like this FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight, you might know that the basic way to strengthen companions is to level them up. When you level up them using the Experience books available, their level increases, which is obvious, and not just that, their combat power and attributes will be boosted. 

Another way to strengthen your heroes is by upgrading their skill levels. When your characters level up and advance in the game, they unlock new skills. You can level up all these skills in each companion to increase their stability on the battlefield and boost their performance. In order to level up the skills, you only need skill scrolls, and when you do have them, remember to use them to level up the skills. 

Break the Shield of Enemies for More Damage

The shield-breaking mechanism is one of the best mechanisms you can use on the FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight battlefields to win. Using it, you can break off the enemies' shield and do significant damage to them. Sometimes, when you meet powerful enemies, they have a shield that will protect them from your attacks. Even if your attacks are very powerful, they won't affect the enemies because their shield protects them. So, at such times, you will feel exhausted from battle for a long time, but you cannot get rid of the enemies. Therefore, you just need to break the shield of enemies first, and then you can focus on eliminating them on the battlefield. 

Break the Shield of Enemies for More Damage

How do you break the shield of enemies in this FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight gameplay? It is pretty easy; all you have to do is use a companion to attack the enemies with the same elemental quality as the enemies. By doing so, the shield of the enemies can be broken off easily with some effort. After the shield is broken, you can continually attack them to damage them more. Remember, the best time to attack an enemy is when its shield is broken. So, do your best in the battles using the shield-breaking mechanism. 

Switch Characters in Battles

Above in this FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight beginner guide, you learned that you can create your team by adding several powerful companions. Once the characters are set and the battle team is created, you can enter the battles with them. In every battle you take part in, you will take control of one character and the rest of the team is not available to be controlled by you. Even if you choose one character to control at the beginning of the battle, you can change it anytime by switching between characters. When you switch between characters, you can end the battles very quickly eliminating all the enemies because you can switch between the characters and use all of their skills on the battlefield to inflict damage to the enemies. 

Switch Characters in Battles

Therefore, don't use just one companion throughout the whole battle. Instead, take advantage of the skills of all the companions so that the winning becomes too simple and easy for you. 


The FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight game has rich content where you start from PvE content and gradually climb up to PvP as well. Although the battles are too tough for beginners like you, we have covered every tip useful for the gameplay with this beginner guide. So follow what you have learned from this FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight beginner guide and make your gameplay filled with awesome victories.

Download FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight on PC