OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC is a perfect gift for those who are in love with the game Octopath Travel, and it brings a new story by being the best-ever Japanese Pixel strategy game released. The power, wealth, and fame are what make this game's world continent fall into chaos because the three evildoers there have used the rings to fulfill their hunger for power. And that directly made this world suffer from the biggest chaos and you will be here to defend the evil forces.
So, this is your time to get things started with the adventure by having the best gameplay guidance as well as tips because we came here to help you on this journey. We will bring the best tops for your tactical battles in this game, where your unique actions take you to victory. So, all you have to do now is to play OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC on PC with LDPlayer 9 and start the adventure from now on.
First, let's talk about the battle mechanisms of the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC gameplay, as that is how you can start everything as a beginner. Your characters, as well as the enemies, are engaging in an auto-playing battle here, and it will be done based on the speed stats of your characters. Pre-selected auto attacks or the ultimate skills will be used here to attack, and no active items are going to be used for the battles.
When the battle starts, you can select all the pre-selected attacks, and there is an order for them to happen, too. You will get an HP, a Mana bar, and a BP point bar. BP will be the boost points that can help you hit more times against your enemies, deal them with more damage, earn more buffs, and have long-lasting healing, too.
Some characters in the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC, when they are in battle, can have some unlocked ultimate skills to use against the enemies. If you want to damage the enemies with a higher success rate, then you can use their weaknesses, and they have a weakness box displayed on them, which shows their elements as well as the weapons that you must primarily target to hit. Your goal should be to lower the monster's shield count because if you do so, they will be broken and let you deal more damage than usual.
An active roster is made out of eight characters in the battles, and they will be set into four rows by selecting four actions that are already available as pre-selected. Backline characters are literally there to give you passive buffs with more HP and SP offered.
The way you align your team in the battles of OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC is what brings luck to your battles. So, the next point for all beginners is about how they are going to handle their teams. Usually, your team composition should be made out of one to two healers, two to three buffers, along with four to six DPS heroes. The buffers can be replaced with some other utility units if you want.
When you are building a team, make sure that you are creating it by aiming at the weaknesses of your enemies, and always make sure to buff your strongest characters who launch the best hits. And using them, you need to try your best to debuff your enemies as well. Take the help from your healers to the best and continue to keep your team alive, too. And that would be the best way for a team to be made and to launch the best attacks.
OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC tier list is made out of so many different types of characters, and the best part is that they all have multiple types of skill sets, too. So, if you want the best to be taken into your battles and win quickly, then you have to make sure that you have selected the best units to reroll. So, who is going to be the best to focus on here?
The first one to recommend here is the Lynette. She is a great buffer in this game and will make sure to be the best until the end of fights. Lynette doesn't mind even if she has to face the strongest enemies because she has the ability to kill them, too. Her kit, which is made out of three different types of buffs that have been stacked with each other, will make Lynette stronger than ever. So, your first focus should always be going along with her.
Theo is the next recommended unit to the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC battles and he shines best as a healer as well as a DPS unit. You will take the best advantage from him when there is a fight with AX weakness, and while performing the role of a main healer, he is going to be a great shield cover to the team.
The next unit that you can go on with is the Viola. She is one of the best debuffers in the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC tier list, and when you have paired her with Lynette, you will see only the success through your endgame fights. Physical attack, as well as a magic attack down debuffs with physical defense and magical defense, comes through Viola, making her an ideal choice among many other units for a beginner. She will be ideal to beat the story bosses as well as the early bosses you meet.
You can reroll the best units in this game as well, and if the reroll takes so much more time than you want, then make sure to play this game through LDPlayer 9. It can clone the game for different instances, and through them all, you will be able to reroll at once. You are going to use only the Multi-Instance Sync function there, and with that, you will be able to clone the game and reroll the best units in the fastest time ever.
If you want your OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC units to perform better throughout their entire battle, then make sure that you are leveling up them. Leveling up allows your units to increase their stats, and a raised stat bar means they are going to perform well throughout the battles.
So, if you are a beginner and have no idea how to level up your units, then try to feed your units with more Experience. When there are more Experience Nuts, they will be stored in your inventory, and your duty is to share them with your team so your party can be stronger to face anything they are being put up with. The second method to level up is to complete more battles because battles bring more rewards. If you want to level up, always make sure that you do so in your early game so you can confidently face all the stages that you are being put up with.
Next, we are going to pay attention to the equipment in this game. There are many types of them that you can see throughout your gameplay, and most of the time, these can be bought by interacting with NPCs and by buying from them. Or else, you can also try to craft what you want from the Smithy, and if you do not want to engage with these two methods, then you can also get some equipment by following through the quests because quests offer this equipment as a reward for the players.
There are levels applied for these equipment, so if you want to become more powerful for the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC gameplay, then you have to focus on the highest level of equipment. If equipment is featured with a high level, it means that those bring more effectiveness to the game, and those are going to be much more useful against the enemies.
If you want to attack the enemies in the most successful way, the best thing you can do is to pick up equipment that is the same as your enemy. This can allow you to face them with more strength, and on the other hand, you can try to equip your heroes by matching them with your gears. It brings more SP as well as HP to your units, and this is going to be a great advantage when you are facing enemies who are similar to your levels, as well as high-level enemies.
There are different types of monsters that you have to deal with throughout your OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC gameplay, and they all are not the same. Your primary focus should be given to the Caits because they are the ones that allow you to have more EXPs, which can help you progress more through the gameplay. But remember, Caits cannot be easily found because they are randomly placed here all over the world, but when you hunt, these should be your first priority.
Caits also come up with multiple rarity levels. Although they have different rarity levels, it is better if you can aim at the rarest Caits, as they are usually the ones who drop the most EXP in this game. So, always make sure that you hunt Caits, and your primary concern should always be to kill them if you want more EXPs in your hands.
The final tip for all your beginners is to use the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC codes. You can redeem them from your game, and once redeemed, there will be a lot of free rewards to claim. Usually, the developers release these codes officially, and although they don't have any meaning, you can redeem them quickly to gain more in-game resources, which can help your way through the gameplay.
Make sure that you don't use the same code twice, and you also need to redeem them timely, as the codes are expiring soon. This way, you will be able to claim more rewards that can eventually help you progress through the game to the best.
And that is it for the OCTOPATH TRAVELER: CotC beginner guide along with tips, and for all the newbies who want to become the best in this game, use this guide as your shining path to victory. All the tips that we talked about in this guide will ease your adventure through the gameplay for sure.