An Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Pirate Boom Boom - Best Tips & Tricks to Defend Open Seas


When it comes to games, the industry's standard has long been high-resolution graphics and lifelike artistry. With each new release, we anticipate groundbreaking quality and breathtaking visuals. However, every so often, a game emerges that defies these established norms, daring to be different. Enter Pirate Boom Boom, a game that boldly takes a step back from the vibrant colors and hyper-realistic graphics we've grown accustomed to. Instead, it immerses players in a world of monochrome magic, proving that gaming can be just as thrilling and enjoyable without the conventional visual extravagance.

An Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Pirate Boom Boom

Pirate's Boom Boom Download Pirate's Boom Boom on PC

If you're thinking of picking up Pirate Boom Boom today, you're in for a treat. In this comprehensive guide, we'll unravel all the mysteries of this unique game, delving into its black-and-white charm gameplay intricacies and providing you with invaluable tips to navigate its challenges with ease. And you can play Pirate Boom Boom on PC with LDPlayer to join an extraordinary gaming adventure where tradition meets innovation.

How to Play Pirate Boom Boom

The gameplay of Pirate Boom Boom can be explained as a 3rd person shoot-them-up game. Here, you play the role of a one-legged pirate who wants to sink all the ships that traverse his seas. The game does not ask you to move the ship; your only job is to aim and use tools, powerups, and skills at the right time. Let's get to know the UI:

How to Play Pirate Boom Boom

  • HP Bar: Located at the upper right corner of the screen, it shows how much damage you have taken and how much damage you can take.

  • Crosshairs: If you want to shoot at a ship, make sure this is on the target before shooting. To move this, either press anywhere on the screen and drag your finger or muse to the direction you want it to move.

  • Shop & Talent Menu: This is the book and coin icon located directly opposite the HP bar. Here, you can buy items and talents, as the name suggests.

  • Fire Button: This is the big round button located at the bottom right corner of your screen. If you want to shoot, press and hold it, and it will continuously shoot your normal shots.

  • Repair: The button with the red cross symbols on it is the one that you should hit to repair your ship. In the beginning, it gives your ship 60 health back.

  • Rapid Reload: It is the button that has the icon of a cannon blasting off. When you hit this, your reload speed increases for 8 seconds and allows you to send out a few more cannonballs than the normal rate of fire.

  • Boom Boom: This is the button that has three cannonballs as the icon. When you hit this, you can shoot 10 rapid shots, causing massive damage.

You have to use all of the above strategically at the right time and destroy the required number of ships to move to the next level of Pirate Boom Boom. The number of ships you have to destroy changes from stage to stage, but the amount stays between 15 and 7. If your ship gets to 0 HP, you will have to start from level 1. Each time you vanquish the required amount of ships, you have the chance to unlock a bonus level.

Pirate Boom Boom Bonus Levels and Encounters

In the Pirate Boom Boom bonus level, you will see three ships that are stationary far away from your ship, and you will also see a bunch of ships that have a $ mark on them coming from their horizontal left and right to approach them. Your job is to stop them from reaching the three ships by destroying them. If two or more ships reach the big three ships, the level fails, and you will continue to the level you are supposed to play.

Pirate Boom Boom Bonus Levels and Encounters

Because it takes a few seconds for your cannonballs to reach the place you want them to land on, if you aim and shoot where the merchant ship is currently, by the time your shot gets there, the ship will have moved, and your shot will land on water. In order to avoid this, always guess and aim at the location the ship will be next. Since all the ships move in every battle, learning to gauge the next position of the ship is a very important skill to master.

Kamikaze Ship Battles

Kamikaze Ship Battles

The next type of level you will have to face in Pirate Boom Boom is kamikaze ship battles. Kamikaze ships have large amounts of HP, and they deal damage not by shooting at you but by ramming into you and destroying themselves. The amount of damage they deal, when hit, depends on how much HP they have when they ram you. 

So the strategy here is prioritizing the ships that are close to you and reducing their HP as much as you can. One trick to deal a ton of damage at once is first hitting the fast reload button and then hitting the Boom Boom Skill; this will allow you to double the number of shots fired with the Boom Boom Skill and quickly get rid of the ships that are very close to you. To get the maximum usage out of this, be ready to move the aim to the next ship.

Other than the bonus kamikaze-only levels, in some levels, you will also have to face these kamikaze ships in the mix of other ships. When that happens, always prioritize the kamikaze ship over any other ship. This is because when you do that, their splash damage will also damage the other ships around you and give you a little bit of an upper hand. One other thing you have to remember while fighting these kamikaze ships is that they give you around 40 HP back when they are destroyed, so if you have taken damage and the ship is not terribly close to you, hold onto your repair skill and repair the ship after they are destroyed.

Bear Armada Fleet Battles

Bear Armada Fleet battles are the next type of battles you will have to face. When fighting these ships, you have to use every healing trick in the book to succeed. This is because they never miss their shots, and you will see your HP bar getting lowered very fast. As the first thing, you have to identify the main admiral armada ship and focus on destroying it; this will weaken the whole fleet and give you a little bit of room to fight with other bear armadas.

Thief Ships

Thief Ships

The next type of battle you will have to do is against the thief ships. They are small and move at lightning speed, and they can teleport from one location to another in seconds. The worst part is by hitting you with shurikens, they can steal your hard-earned gold. To deal with them, you have to practice shooting from far like when you did with the merchant ship, but they move fast, so taking aim a little bit more than the merchant ships will do the trick. 

The next thing you should do is learn the teleport time; according to our estimation, they can teleport every 4 seconds, and they always reappear from your left side. You have to identify the general area of reappearing and use the Boom Boom skill as they appear to get rid of them.

How to Choose the Talents in Pirate Boom Boom

If you want to win in Pirate Boom Boom, there are three rules you should follow. The first rule is never to stop shooting unless you are in the shop; you should always keep your finger on the normal shooting button. Normal shooting costs you nothing, and you can keep shooting with it even while you are using the Boom Boom skill. The second rule is you should never use skills as soon as they become available. 

How to Choose the Talents in Pirate Boom Boom

In the above section of this Pirate Boom Boom guide, we have shown you a few strategic ways you can use your skills, and you will find many more on your own while playing. For example, you should use the Boom Boom skill when there are few ships close together, and you should not use the rapid shots if you have a hard time guessing the direction it will move next, and more. The third rule is by talents and items. In this section, we are going to talk about choosing talents.

Talent Section

Talent Section

The shop of Pirate Boom Boom has two sections; the talent section is where you can buy or improve your skills' efficiency, and in the shop section, you can buy items to equip. At the start of the game, even if you have money, you will not be able to buy all the skills in the game. This is because, for them to be available, you have to get some achievements. 

Once you do that, that skill will be available for you to buy. For example, the rapid shot skill unlocks when you kill 3 thief ships, and just like this, all the skills will have a requirement, and you have to click on it and see the bottom of the talent description to find out the requirement to unlock that skill.

Prioritizing Talents

In Pirate Boom Boom, what skill you should prioritize depends on the playstyle, but there are a few skills like Fortified ships, Vintage Viking Shields, and Quick Fix that should be unlocked as fast as you can. These are defense-oriented talents and give you more freedom to focus on dealing with enemies rather than nursing your HP bar back to full. Then you should give more weight to increasing the power of rapid shots, Boom Boom; this will reduce the cooldown time, and you will be able to use them more often; also, it increases their damage, so what's not to like, eh? Then, lastly, you can work on other talents in your own phase.

Earning In-Game Currency

Buying items and talents in Pirate Boom Boom needs a ton of cash, and fighting ships is not the only way to earn them. As the first thing, try to build a kill streak. When you kill ships right below your HP bar, you will see a timer start. If you kill another ship before this timer runs out, you will reset the timer and increase your kill streak by one. You have to try and raise it as much as you can, and you will receive a large amount of coins through this method. You should only attack the merchant's ships last, and they will give you more if you have a high kill streak.

Collecting Reward Boxes 

Collecting Reward Boxes 

Sometimes, when you kill merchant ships in Pirate Boom Boom, you will receive a box. The black box gives the highest rewards, and the brown ones also have a respectable amount of rewards. Always keep an eye on them and open them by watching ads a few times, and you will receive a large amount of coins. You also have a small chance to receive items that are very expensive to buy, so collect them as soon as you can.


Pirate Boom Boom offers a unique and engaging gaming experience, combining simple yet strategic gameplay with a charming monochrome aesthetic. By mastering the game's mechanics and wisely choosing your talents, you can become a legendary pirate captain. So, set sail and defend the open seas in style!

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