Valiant Force 2 Beginner Guide with Gameplay Walkthrough


Have you played Valiant Force when it was a sensation to the world? If you have played it, there is a new interesting thing that can catch your gaming mind next, and it is the sequel for it. We have this upcoming new gacha game as the next installment for the original that we said here, and you should be ready for the Valiant Force 2 global release date now that we have had two beta tests for it.

Valiant Force 2 Beginner Guide

Valiant Force 2 Download Valiant Force 2 on PC

you will encounter a plethora of innovative concepts, such as distinct job classes, mastery of aura skills, and playing an active role in combat that requires your full attention to secure victory. As a newcomer, these features may initially seem overwhelming, but fear not! through this Valiant Force 2 global beginner’s guide, we shall impart upon you the essential knowledge necessary to navigate the game with ease and minimal obstacles.

We also recommend that all players have a Valiant Force 2 download PC with the help of LDPlayer 9 because we know that you will be grabbing many enhancing features in there to make superior gameplay. Let’s now begin our beginner guide here.

Combat System

The combat system is what we first remember when speaking about this game because the combat system is awesome here. You will see many new features when you enter the combat system in this game that you have never seen before. Most role-playing games guide the players to create a top-level squad, including the best characters, and then proceed with auto battles. 

But here in this game, the combat system concept is far more advanced than that. Because here, not only should you create the best squad using the best characters in the Valiant Force 2 tier list, but also you can link your characters in a way that they provide additional buffs and recovery skills to the allies and provide additional damage, and debuffs to the opponent team characters. 

Combat System

So when talking about the combat system, it has many advanced things to learn; therefore, unlike in other games, you should refrain from proceeding in the battles using the auto-battle function. Instead, you manually operate the battles. And most importantly, you need to understand the Valiant Force 2 gameplay aura system and how to make a perfect combo with aura skills in Valiant Force 2 gameplay if you want to excel in this combat system. 

The combat system mainly depends on the tactics, so not only the beginner guidelines are enough to win these battles, you need the best Valiant Force 2 tips and tricks to be used in your gameplay. Here the battleground is like a grid, and your characters are placed on it, and the battles take place with turns. During the turns your team receives, you can move your characters and attack enemies using the skills. If you think controlling everything in the battles using the touch system by tapping on the screen is boring, you can use the Keyboard Mapping feature while running this game on your PC with LDPlayer 9. 

The LDPlayer 9’s Keyboard Mapping feature can help you to assign your favorite shortcut keys to move your characters, unleash skills, confirm attacks and for all the actions you should perform during the gameplay. Therefore, make sure you use the LDPlayer 9 to play this game and experience awesome gameplay using the features included in it.  

Most commonly, the objective in the battles here is to defeat all the enemies. Therefore, you should understand the importance of creating your squad with the best characters and using their skills wisely to defeat opponents in battles. 

Engage in Different Game Modes

Do you know what is very awesome about this Valiant Force 2 game? It is about the variety of game modes included here in this gameplay. The game gives you more than one mode to take part in. The main thing about the game is adventure mode. In the adventure mode, there are three stages: campaign mode, timeless tales and daily dungeons. 

The campaign mode is the game mode directly connected with the game's main story. Each chapter stage in the campaign mode will flow with the story of the gameplay. When you enter a stage in a campaign mode chapter, you can see the conditions you should acquire for winning, the conditions you should achieve for three stars in a stage, and the defeat condition for you. 

And then, there are daily dungeons for you to participate in, and the best thing about them is you can gather resources through them. In each dungeon, you can face a unique set of challenges and earn rewards for completing them. The rewards you will earn here will benefit your hero growth etc. 

Then there are timeless tales where you can gain insight into notable characters and locations worldwide and earn exclusive rewards when you experience past limited-time story events in these timeless tale episodes. 

Besides the adventure mode, as we already said above, there are other modes to maintain the gameplay's freshness. There is an arena in the game as the PvP content, which you can enter and compete against other players worldwide. When you compete against other real players in the arena, you need the best Valiant Force 2 gameplay tips and tricks to trick out the opponents and take your team to victory. Besides all these PvE and PvP content modes in this gameplay, there is an Airship gameplay mode that you can customize and build your airship. 

The airship you customize and build will be the base for your operations, but unlocking this mode is challenging as you have to complete many chapters in the campaign mode. Since the game allows you to take part in many modes, don't get stuck into one mode; instead, try to unlock new modes and enter them to enjoy the whole content of this game. 

Valiant Force 2 Character Roles

When you go into the Squad section of the Valiant Force 2, you will be allowed to click on each character you have unlocked from the bottom hero lineup and click on a square in the above grid to place them. When you are creating your formation, there are a few things that you should consider. The first one is the class the character belongs to, of which there are six in Valiant Force 2: Guardian, Champion, Shadow, Mystic, Healer, and Ranger.

Valiant Force 2 Character Roles

  • Guardian: Guardian units specialize in protecting allies by reducing or redirecting incoming damage. They deal physical damage and are particularly durable against physical-type damage.

  • Champion: Champion units are deadly at close combat, using sweeping physical attacks that hit their target and adjacent enemies. They wield skills that further enhance their offensive capabilities.

  • Shadow: Shadow units' magical damage can spread to several targets at once. They may be weaker than other close quarter combat classes, but they make up for it by being experts at debuffing foes and using other strategies.

  • Mystic: Mystic units are offensively oriented units that employ magic to deal damage from a distance. The results of a mystic skill might range from doing area damage to incurring various debuffs to even summoning helpful extraterrestrial units!

  • Healer: Healer units support their allies from a distance with empowering and healing spells. Their attacks deal magical damage, and they are more adept at resisting magical damage.

  • Ranger: Ranger units have the largest attack range of any class, able to take advantage of dangerous or impassable terrain to deal physical damage to enemies from a safe distance.

Valiant Force 2 Character Jobs

Unlike other games, in Valiant Force 2 gameplay you will not be able to just look at the class and add it to your formation because each character that belongs to one comes with very different skills that make it hard to throw them into one class. But when you are creating a formation, you should at least add one tank and one heal unit to increase your team's survivability.

Valiant Force 2 Character Jobs

Each character that belongs to one class has a job that is derived from the class. According to the job you choose, a hero will learn additional skills through their jobs, opening new ways to play them. You can increase a hero's Job Level with Job Relics, granting various benefits, including raising the hero's maximum Level and unlocking or upgrading Utility Skills. A hero masters a job by attaining maximum Job Level and achieving this will grant permanent bonuses to the hero's attributes and sometimes even unlock new jobs in higher tiers!

Elemental Weakness

Valiant Force 2 global game allows you to create a few different squads and change between them accordingly. This feature is most useful when you are making teams according to the elemental weakness. The Valiant Force 2 gameplay has five elements: Fire (red), Water (blue), Earth (green), Light (yellow), and Darkness (purple). Each unit's strengths and weaknesses in combat are based on its alignment with one of the five elements.

Elemental Weakness

Each of these elements has an opposing element that it is particularly effective against. For example, if we take fire and earth characters, an earth character will do 30% less damage to the fire element character but will take 30% higher damage from the fire character. So when you are fighting, you have to check what type of enemies you are fighting and select the ones that give you the advantage in battle. The following are the elemental weaknesses:

Fire will do high damage to the earth and take less damage from the earth. Earth will do high damage to Water and take less damage from Water. Water will do increased damage to fire and take less damage from fire. Dark and light elements only react with each other when they meet in battle; they will do 30% increased damage from the opposite side.

Valiant Force 2 Characters Skills

If you have played any game, you may know that skills are the special abilities that units use when they are in combat. In Valiant Force 2 gameplay, there are mainly two types of skills: passive and active skills. The two skills can be distinguished by how they are activated. If you want to use an active skill, the target of your skill has to be within the effective range of the unit, and it has to spend one action/turn to perform it. 

When you use a skill, the skill goes into a cooldown that lasts for several turns. If you want to use a skill that has been used, you have to wait until its cooldown is finished. So, if you want to activate a certain link through a skill, you have to use it as early as possible so you can use it again before the combat ends and activate the link again. This is especially true when you have a link that activates when you heal the target. If you use the skill in the first round, you will be able to use that skill when your team members actually get hurt.

Valiant Force 2 Characters Skills

When you select an active skill, you will see a set of tiles light up in orange color. This is the range of the skill. Through the red color, you can see if an enemy will be affected by the area of the effect spell, and through green, it shows if any allies will be affected by your skill. If a target is in the area, it will automatically target the enemies, but if you want to target a different unit, you can do that by tapping on the target.

Passive skills do not require active control on your part, nor do they expend the unit's turn to use them. There are three modes of passive skills: triggers, kickers, and empowerments. A trigger skill activates when an effect is applied to the skill user and matches the skill's activation requirement. Trigger skills that prompt linked allies to take action are called auras. 

Kicker skills allow a unit to inflict debuffs when their normal attacks hit an enemy. This debuff applies even if the attack does not do any damage from the attack. Empowerment passive skills grant stat, or skill boosts to the unit that uses it. These types of buffs usually stay active until the end of the battle.

Valiant Force 2 Academy

The academy is one of the essential aspects of this Valiant Force 2 gameplay for all beginner players. When you enter the Valiant Force 2 gameplay, you will see the academy option from the main game interface. An academy is a place where you can complete lots of missions and earn rewards which are very valuable for your gameplay. 

Most of the missions in this academy are very easy to complete, so you don’t have to put a lot of effort into them. But when you have the time in this gameplay, make sure you come to the academy and complete the missions. And the academy has missions for the whole week, meaning from day one to day seven, unique sets of missions are available for you. But, you can only see a set of missions relevant for a day. The other missions will be unlocked when you log into the game the next day. 

When you complete missions in this academy, you will earn mission points for each you complete. According to the number of points you have gathered, you can earn various chests full of rewards. Therefore besides the rewards you can earn through completing the missions in the academy option, you can earn additional chests full of prizes. 

Battle Pass Quests

Battle pass quest completion is also good for all the beginners like you in this Valiant Force 2 game because, with these quests, you can earn rewards. The rewards you obtain will be very helpful for your gameplay. So go to the battle pass option from the game's main screen and earn rewards by completing them. Most of the quests in the battle pass are not very hard. Therefore, you can earn rewards easily without many hard times. 

Battle Pass Quests

The battle pass in this Valiant Force 2 global game has two tracks, premium and free. If you are a F2P player, you can claim rewards by completing the battle pass free track quests without upgrading it to the premium track. But if you upgrade the battle pass to a premium track, you will earn better rewards than the rewards you obtain from the free track. No matter what track you may follow, you can still enjoy rewards by completing the battle pass quests. 


And this is all that we have to bring you from this beginner guide, and we hope that you consider these all as the best guidance to make you prepared for the game. This new game will soon be here to enjoy with a lot of new features, and same as the original, this is also expected to win the hearts of gacha lovers with these most exciting features. It will be sure to give you great hype, and it is now your time to be prepared for Valiant Force 2 download by referring to this guide.

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