Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 Update Leaks - Everything You Need To Know


With the release of Brant on the 2nd phase of Wuthering Waves’ version patch 2.1 and the 2nd phase of the main story of the brand new region coming to a close, players of Wuthering Waves are eagerly awaiting the release of the brand new version update 2.2 to meet special brand new characters, explore brand new areas and territories and explore the main story of the game further.


With the upcoming 2.2 update, it is quite fortunate that there have been some leaks of the upcoming contents that players can expect from the update patch, including the full animation and skill kit of the brand new upcoming character for Wuthering Waves - Cantarella for players to roll for, brand new events to participate in, brand new areas to explore and even brand new main story quests for players to experience.

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In this guide, we will go over everything players can expect to see from Wuthering Waves upcoming version update 2.2 from all of the important leaked contents from trusted leakers and show players what they should focus on with the brand new version update patch.


Please note that, while these information are from trusted leakers and sources, many contents might differ upon official game release due to the ever changing nature of game updates.

Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 Leaks - Brand New Characters & Banners

With Wuthering Waves Version Update Patch 2.2 coming soon during April of 2025, players can expect many great things from the version update patch, including the introduction and banner of a brand new character - Cantarella. With the help of leaked details trusted sources, let us see everything you can experience during Wuthering Waves’ version update 2.2:


Brand New Character Release - Cantarella

The main attraction of Wuthering Waves upcoming version update 2.2, Cantarella is the brand new shiny 5* Limited Resonator that players will have the chance to meet and recruit during the new update patch.


Cantarella is a 5* Limited Resonator of the Havoc Element. She wields a Rectifier as her main weapon to allow her to deal powerful Havoc damage to enemies surrounding her. Her overall design resembles that of a jellyfish, with her abilities allowing her to move on the ground and in midair as if she is swimming in the ocean.

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Cantarella’s skill kit allows her to supplement the overall damage output of the team with her summons and helps sustain the team with her various abilities to heal allies and deal Havoc damage. For her Forte Gauge, Cantarella can accumulate charges whenever she attacks the enemy - up to 3 stacks - and whenever she uses her plunging attacks, she will consume a stack in order to deal massive amounts of Havoc damage to the enemies and heal teammates.


Upon using her skill, Cantarella will attack the enemies,dealing havoc damage to them and inflict them with Hazy dream, reducing their movement speed and deal additional Havoc Damage after a set period. When her Forte Gauge is filled, her skill is enhanced, dealing even more Havoc damage and healing all allies when her attacks hit the enemies.


Upon using Resonance Liberation, Cantarella will summon up to 3 Jelly Dreamweaver on the field to aid herself and any allies on the field to deal Havoc damage to the enemies using their coordinated attacks.


Cantarella’s main gimmick revolves around the fact that all of her enhanced attacks are considered Echo skills, allowing her to trigger her talent to grant herself and allies who uses Echo Skill extra energies, turning her into a very powerful sub DPS/ Support Havoc Resonator that help enables a lot of fast switch team compositions.

Cantarella’s Signature Weapon

Together with the release of Cantarella, her signature weapon will also be released alongside her banner:


Whisper of the Sea

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Main Stat: Attack (413)

Sub Stat: Crit Damage (72%)


Effect: ATK increased by 12%. Within 10 seconds after casting the Intro skill, when casting the Echo skill, you will gain 1 layer of [Soft Dream]. The same Echo can only be triggered once, and can be stacked up to 3 layers. It lasts for 10 seconds. If you switch to another character, the effect ends early.

- Layer 1: Normal attack DMG increased by 40%;

- Layer 2: Ignore the target's 10% Havoc resistance;

- Layer 3: When [Soft Dream] ends early, your own normal attack damage bonus increases by 40%, ignoring the target's 10% Havoc resistance, lasting 27 seconds. If you switch to yourself, the effect ends early.


Banners Release Order

With the introduction of Cantarella as a brand new Limited 5* Havor Resonator for players to grab during Wuthering Waves version update 2.2, several old Limited Resonators will also be making their return with their special Rerun banners, allowing players to roll for them if they have missed them previously.


The banner details for Wuthering Waves version 2.2 according to the leaked information are as followed:
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- Phase 1: Cantarella (Limited 5*) + Danjin (4*) + Yuanwu (4*) + Sanhua (4*)

- Phase 2: Camellya (Limited 5*) + Scorekeeper (Limited 5*) + Baizhi (4*) + Chixia (4*) + Aalto (4*)


New Rover Element

Together with the release of Cantarella as the brand new limited 5* Resonator for version update 2.2, players will also be rewarded with a special brand new element for the main character - Rover when they advance far enough into the new main story quest coming to the version update. With this release, Rover will be able to unlock a brand new element aside from Havoc and Spectro - Aero.

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Aero Rover is a special Resonator that still uses a shortsword as their main weapon. When switching to the Aero Element, Rover will forgo the crown control ability of Spectro and the powerful damage output of Havoc for a more balanced skill kit that allow them to both deal decent amounts of damage while also being able to support the team by healing them. 


Aero Rover’s main gimmick revolves around aerial attacks, with their skills and attack patterns creating opportune moments for them to fly up and attack the enemies in midair. Their Forte gauge also supports this playstyle as when Aero Rover attacks enemies when they are airborne, they will deal additional attacks and heal the party while attacking.


When using Resonance Liberation, Aero Rover will be able to deal a massive hit of Aero damage in a decently large area to enemies and heal other allies, making them a very good support character to bring as a sub DPS/ Support for many team comps.

Wuthering Waves Version 2.2 Leaks - Features & Gameplay Updates

Aside from the brand new characters and banners, with the release of Wuthering Waves version update 2.2, players can also expect several brand new contents to explore and experience. 


Brand New Story Chapter


As per usual, with the new release of a new update patch comes the release of a brand new main story chapter for players to experience and enjoy. The new main story chapter will continue the Rover’s adventure in the new region and will lead to players unlocking the brand new element for Rover. So it is highly recommended that if players want to obtain and test out Aero Rover right away, they should start the main story quest for Wuthering Waves version update 2.2 right when it is available.


Completing the Main story quest will also allow players to challenge the new story boss, which will be crucial for obtaining character upgrading materials and echoes in order to build brand new characters.

New Explorable Area & Obtainable Echoes


Together with the main story chapter update, players will also be able to explore a brand new region, allowing players to explore and find more treasures to obtain a good amount of pull currencies.


A brand new exploration area will also come with more powerful overworld bosses for resources and special echoes for players to find and obtain in order to build brand new characters upon their releases.


With Wuthering Waves version 2.1 update coming to a close soon, many players are extremely looking forward to the release of the brand new version 2.2 update and the release of the Brand New Limited character - Cantarella. 


We hope that with this guide, you are able to have a better understanding of what is coming to Wuthering Waves in the future thanks to the help of trusted leaks and are able to look forward to what Wuthering Waves have in store for its players in the future.


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