X-Samkok Guide and Tips for Beginners - War Begins with Best Tricks


X-Samkok is a fun mobile game based on the famous story, Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This game mixes fantasy with cool creatures like divine beasts and mechanical monsters. It's an idle RPG game, which means you can play without spending too much time or effort. One of the best things about X-Samkok is the amazing voice actors. You will get to experience famous actors bringing the characters to life with their voices, making the game even more exciting. 

X-Samkok Guide and Tips for Beginners

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The characters in X-Samkok are also very appealing. They have beautiful and majestic 2D illustrations, but in the game, they appear as cute, small cartoon-like characters. It's fun to see them this way. You can collect famous generals from four groups: Wei, Shu, Wu, and Jun and make powerful teams. 

To get started on the right path, new players may need a little help. That's why we made this guide: to help all the beginners. So let's play X-Samkok on PC with LDPlayer, dive into the game, and learn the best tips and tricks to become a top player in X-Samkok!

X-Samkok Gameplay Introduction

X-Samkok is an engaging idle mobile game that combines strategic team-building with automated battles. In the game, players form a party of six characters, each taking turns to attack based on their positions in the formation.

X-Samkok Gameplay Introduction

Despite the automatic nature of battles, the game ensures that players remain engaged through various features and strategic elements. As you develop your characters and refine your party setup, you'll notice the game's depth and strategic potential. The double speed and skip functions enhance the experience by allowing players to expedite battles and focus on other aspects of the game.

This includes checking events, claiming mission rewards, training officers, and exploring the in-game encyclopedia. This feature ensures that players can efficiently manage their time and resources without getting bogged down by repetitive battles, so make sure to enable it as soon as you unlock them. 

Follow the Tutorial

Getting started with X-Samkok is straightforward and designed to ease new players into the game. Once you open the game, you will be guided through a series of introductory screens where you can set up your account and customize your in-game avatar.

The tutorial in X-Samkok is comprehensive and ensures that players understand the basic mechanics of the game. It begins with an overview of the game's interface, highlighting key menus and features. You'll learn how to navigate the main screen, access different game modes, and understand the layout of various in-game elements.

The tutorial then guides you through the basics of forming your party. You'll select your initial characters, learn about their roles, and see how to arrange them in your formation. This step is crucial as it sets the foundation for your future strategies in battles.

Next, the tutorial explains the battle mechanics. You'll see how characters take turns to attack, how the automatic battle system works, and the importance of positioning in your formation. The tutorial also introduces you to the double speed feature, allowing you to expedite battles right from the start.

The tutorial concludes by showing you how to train and develop your characters. You'll get an introduction to the leveling up and promotion systems, giving you a head start on character development. By the end of the tutorial, you'll have a solid understanding of the game's core mechanics, ready to dive deeper into the strategic elements of X-Samkok.

Game Modes Overview

X-Samkok offers a rich variety of content that keeps players engaged and challenged. The main areas of content include the Field, Training Center, and Tower of Trials.

Game Modes Overview

  • Field: This is the primary area where players engage in battles and complete various missions. The Field is divided into different regions and stages, each presenting unique challenges and enemies. As you progress through the Field, you unlock new areas and encounter more formidable foes, providing a continuous sense of progression and achievement.

  • Training Center: This area focuses on character development and training. Here, you can level up your characters, promote them to higher star levels, and enhance their abilities. The Training Center is essential for strengthening your team and preparing them for tougher battles.

  • Tower of Trials: The Tower of Trials is a challenging mode where players face increasingly difficult waves of enemies as they ascend the tower. Each floor presents new challenges and rewards, making it a key area for obtaining valuable resources and testing the limits of your team's strength and strategy.

  • Campaign Missions: Progress through the storyline by completing various stages and missions.

  • Material Dungeons: These dungeons are crucial for gathering the resources needed for character development and equipment upgrades. Each dungeon focuses on specific materials, such as experience points, gold, or items required for promotions. Players can enter these dungeons daily to farm the necessary resources.

  • Arena: Compete against other players' teams in the Arena. Defeat their defense decks to climb the rankings and earn rewards.

  • Yeonmudae: A higher-level PVP arena where top players compete for supremacy. It includes normal matches, faction battles, and the integrated server version of the Guju Contest, where the best of the best face off.

How to Use Your Characters Properly

In X-Samkok, understanding the role of characters and their positions in your formation is crucial for success in battles. Each character in your party of six has unique abilities and attributes that determine their effectiveness in combat. Characters are typically categorized into different roles such as tanks, damage dealers, and support units.

The position of each character in your formation influences their turn order and the overall strategy of your team. Frontline positions are usually occupied by tanky characters who can absorb damage and protect the more fragile damage dealers and support units positioned in the back. Tanks often have abilities that increase their survivability or taunt enemies, drawing attacks away from more vulnerable characters.

How to Use Your Characters Properly

Damage dealers, positioned in the middle or back rows, focus on dealing high amounts of damage to enemies. Their positioning ensures they are protected while they unleash their powerful attacks. Support characters, also typically placed in the back, provide healing, buffs, or other utility to keep the team sustained and enhance their combat effectiveness.

The turn order in battles is determined by the characters' speed stats and their positions. Faster characters or those in certain positions may act earlier in the turn cycle, allowing you to strategize the sequence of attacks and abilities to maximize your combat efficiency.

Character Synergy and Formation

In X-Samkok, building a strong team requires more than just selecting powerful characters; it involves creating synergy among your characters and carefully considering their formation. Character synergy refers to the strategic combination of characters whose abilities and traits complement each other, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your team. This synergy is based on shared attributes or bonds.

Character Synergy and Formation

For instance, characters that have the same attribute or those who share a bond often provide additional bonuses when used together. These bonuses can include increased stats, enhanced abilities, or other beneficial effects that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. 

Character Positioning Tips

When selecting and positioning your characters, consider the following tips to create a balanced and powerful team:

  • Role Balance: Ensure your team has a good mix of roles, including tanks, damage dealers, and support units. This balance allows you to handle different combat scenarios effectively.

  • Character Attributes: Pay attention to the attributes of each character. Some characters excel in physical attacks, while others are better suited for magic damage or support roles. Choose characters whose attributes and skills complement each other.

  • Frontline Defense: Position your tankiest characters in the front row to protect your backline units. These characters should have high health and defense stats, as well as abilities that allow them to absorb and mitigate damage.

  • Backline Offense and Support: Place your damage dealers and support units in the back rows. Damage dealers should have high attack stats and abilities that can target multiple enemies or deal significant damage. Support units should provide healing, buffs, or debuffs to assist the team.

  • Synergy Bonuses: Utilize characters from the same country or those with bonds to activate synergy bonuses. These bonuses can provide critical stat boosts and other advantages during battles.

  • Adaptability: Be ready to adjust your formation based on the enemy team and the specific challenges of each battle. Flexibility in your team composition can make a significant difference in tougher battles.

Weapon Combination

In X-Samkok, the strategic use of weapon combinations can significantly enhance your team's effectiveness in battles. Each character can equip different weapons, which come with unique attributes and abilities that can complement the character's inherent skills. 

The right combination of weapons can amplify your characters' strengths and mitigate their weaknesses, allowing for more effective combat strategies. When choosing weapons, consider the following factors:

  • Weapon Attributes: Look at the base stats of the weapon, such as attack power, defense, speed, and critical hit rate. Select weapons that enhance the primary attributes of the character using them.

  • Special Abilities: Some weapons have special abilities or effects that can be triggered during battles, such as additional damage to certain enemy types, healing effects, or buffs to the entire team.

  • Synergy with Skills: Match weapons with characters whose skills can be amplified by the weapon's attributes or special abilities. For example, a weapon that increases magic damage should be paired with a character who has powerful magic attacks.

Combining weapons strategically allows for creating synergies that can give your team an edge in battles. Experimenting with different combinations and observing their effects in combat can help you find the optimal setup for your team.

Tips for Beginners

As a new player in X-Samkok, taking advantage of early benefits is crucial for setting a strong foundation. Here are some strategies to help you make the most of the game’s initial offerings:

  • Log in Daily: Ensure you log in every day to claim your daily rewards, including free draws and login bonuses.

  • Utilize Free Draws Wisely: Spread out your free draws to maximize their impact. You can get some free draws also using X-Samkok Redeem Codes. Focus on using them when you have a higher chance of getting rare characters or items, such as during special events or promotions.

Tips for Beginners

  • Participate in Events: Engage in limited-time events to earn additional rewards and bonuses that can give you an edge in the early stages.

  • Focus on Campaign Missions: Complete campaign missions to progress through the story and unlock new content. This will also provide you with essential resources and experience points.

  • Join a Guild: Joining a guild (Legion) early on can provide significant benefits, including access to guild events, treasures, and dungeons. Participate actively to earn valuable rewards.

  • Upgrade Equipment: Use the Bulk Equipment and Bulk Forging options to strengthen your gear. This will enhance your characters' performance in battles.

Recommended Actions for the First Week

  • Prioritize Training: Train your top 6 characters regularly to maintain a balanced and powerful team. Utilize the Training Center to level up and promote your characters.

  • Maximize Resource Collection: Make sure to fill up your daily limits for resource collection, including gold bags, equipment, experience points, and silver coins from trial dungeons.

  • Store Purchases: Take advantage of daily discounted items in the store. Purchasing these items can provide crucial resources for commanders and promotions.

  • Complete Missions: Focus on completing missions that offer significant rewards, such as pieces of high rarity characters or hero skins. These rewards can enhance your characters and provide long-term benefits.

  • Automatic Battles: X-Samkok's idle nature means that battles occur automatically, even when you are not actively playing. Ensure you are regularly collecting rewards from these battles, and use the store to purchase daily discounted items for commanders and promotions. Additionally, fill your trial dungeon attempts daily to gather gold bags, equipment, experience points, and silver coins.

By following these tips, you can efficiently utilize the free draws and bonuses, progress quickly through the early stages, and establish a strong foundation for your continued success in X-Samkok.


X-Samkok is an engaging and strategic idle RPG that offers a blend of automated battles, character collection, and team-building. By following this guide, beginners can quickly grasp the game's mechanics, form powerful teams, and take full advantage of the available resources and rewards. Whether you're progressing through the campaign, competing in the arena, or exploring different game modes, these tips and tricks will help you become a top player in X-Samkok.

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