Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo Guide - The Best Builds


For a perfect role-playing action game with the best agents to hop into fast-paced action battles, you should try out the Zenless Zone Zero game. In this game, to succeed in every battle, you have to create the best team of agents with the most powerful ones. But that is not enough; you have to make sure that you use enough required methods to power up your agents so that they won’t fail in a single battle. In addition to powering up your heroes in the team, you can add the best Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo to the team to help it win battles, and in this article, we will be speaking of all the best Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo builds that you can create to aid more from them to the battles. 

Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo Guide

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As a player of Zenless Zone Zero gameplay, you have to make sure that you know everything about the Bangboo while you have learned everything about all the Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo characters from the Zenless Zone Zero tier list, Zenless Zone Zero W-Engines, etc. Once you know how to take maximum advantage of the Bangboo, you can make sure that you will win all the fights perfectly. So play Zenless Zone Zero on PC with LDPlayer 9 after learning all about the best Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo builds. 

Who are Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo Units?

Bangboo is like a pet you will see in other games which will act as a companion to your agents in the team that assist them in the battles, especially within the hollows. Besides the assist bangboos in combat, there are many other bangboos in this game that act as NPC Bangboos that give you quests to complete as well. Here are the categories of Bangboo in this game. 

Who are Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo Units

  • Eous - this is the first and the only assistant who acts as the double of the Proxy in the hollows. 

  • Combat Bangboos - these Banboos help in attacking enemies with their attack capabilities or they are good at boosting your agent’s stats. And the best thing is these Bangboos can unleash chain attacks during combat. 

  • Support Bangboos - these are also combat Bangboos that you will meet in Hollow Zero stages, but they cannot participate in chain attacks. 

How to Obtain Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo

As you know who these Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo are, now you will know how to obtain Bangboos for your gameplay. Once you know how to get them, you can use your knowledge to get Bangboos when playing this game.  

Signal Search

Signal Search

One fine method to obtain Bangboos in this game is the signal search. In the signal search gacha, there is the Bangboo channel, which you can use and pull out Bangboos you like. But remember, you need Boopons as the gacha currency to pull out Bangboos through this gacha banner. If you ask how to obtain Boopons, you can easily get them through rally commissions, hollow zero as well as events. 

How to Enhance Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo

After obtaining your most wanted Bangboos in this game, the next thing to know is to enhance them. There are different ways you can follow to enhance your Bangboos here and we will let you know all of them now through this article. 

How to Enhance Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo

Level Up

With the Bangboo systems you have earned in this game, you can level up your Bangboos here. If you don’t know where to get Bangboo systems, you can easily get them through events, Hollow Zero or quests. 


Ascension is another way you can use to enhance your Zenless Zone Zero Bangboos and we call it system optimization here as the in-game term. To perform the ascension, you need Ether Electrolytes, which will be earned through the Hollow Zero. 


Last but not least, you can upgrade your Bangboos through Bangboo cores. Whenever you pull out duplicates of the existing Bangboos from the Bangboo channel in the signal search gacha, they turn out to be Bangboo cores, which you can upgrade the tier of your Bangboos using those Bangboo cores. But this upgrade can only be done up to five times. 

The Best Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo Builds

Above in this article, you have learned everything related to Bangboos, who they are, how to obtain them, along how to enhance them in this game. Then, now we will tell you the best Bangboo guilds you can build in this game using various kinds of Bangboos. 

Elemental Build

When you have agents in your team that are specialized in dealing elemental damage, then you need to choose the ideal companions for it so that they will be able to utilize the effectiveness of each elemental attack of your agents. 

Bangboo Name


Active Skill



Deals ice damage using an ice damage to slash. 



Deals electric damage by continually electrocuting the target. 



Deals Ether damage by shooting bullets at enemies after entering into the flying state. 

You must not forget to modify the above-mentioned Bangboos to boost their elemental effects during battles using the following plugins.

  • S Rank - High-Speed Penetration Component 

  • A Rank - Telescope Sprint Fist MK II

  • B Rank - Telescope Sprint Fist

Attack Build

If you plan on using agents who are more focused on dealing with physical attacks on enemies, then you better follow this attack build so that you can help your agents to do well in battles. 

Bangboo Name


Active Skill



Uses dual blades and unleashes slashes to deal high physical damage. 



Deals massive physical damage to the enemies, by continually shooting enemies, using a built machine gun. 



Deals physical damage by throwing a dart. 

As the Bangboos in this build are focused on providing more help for the agents to deal amazing physical damage to the enemies, you should modify them using some plugins focused on increasing critical rate or critical damage, such as, 

  • S Rank - electronic Positioning Lens

  • A Rank - Laser Holo-Scan Accessory

  • B Rank - Telescopic Sprint Fist

Support Build

When you are just exploring or need some extra buffs or boosts to be activated upon your agents in the team, you can use this build in your gameplay. 

Bangboo Name


Active Skill



Produces a snack which will regenerate the energy of the receiver. 



Provides the character with a buff which might recover HP, increase energy regeneration or creates a shield. 



Generates Ether bubbles and releases them which will regenerate energy of the characters that come to contact with them. 

And also it is important to upgrade them with various plugins that will enhance their HP and defense. Here are some plugin suggestions that you can use to enhance the above Bangboos. 

  • S Rank - Mini Bulletproof Vest MK III

  • A Rank - Extendable Moving Mount MK II

  • B Rank - extendable Moving Mount 


In this article above we have stated all the things related to the Bangboo that every Zenless Zone Zero beginner must know. Since you have gone through this article now, you might definitely know what the best builds in each type of Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo that you can create in your gameplay. So go for them and have fun while learning more about the best Zenless Zone Zero tips and Zenless Zone Zero full gears for more advantage combined with the Bangboo.

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