ZIO and The Magic Scrolls Gameplay Insights and Review


ZIO and The Magic Scrolls, an AFK RPG(away from keyboard role-playing game) based game is offered by Super Planet. Well, the game is a popular Korean webtoon spinoff game that is built with five heroes and the ultimate Magic Scrolls. All based on the strategies, skills, and planning, just to go well through the journey and hence aim to get the scrolls, well the‘Magic Scrolls’.


Released on December 29, 2021, the game has crossed 500,000+ downloads till now. Well, what’s the secret behind its success? We will be discussing it all, and we will all also dive in deep to review this RPG-based game. Although there is a variety of games under this genre, but each game has its own uniqueness and some defects but too, but in all, each game stands out from others in different ways. And maybe, not stand out but let’s just find out what this game has to offer to us.


ZIO and The Magic Scrolls Review


ZIO And The Magic Scrolls is a game that is about completing goals and skill-based challenges. You must be thinking, so what? What’s new about it? 


This game has a storyline carried forward by a future created, post the war between Mames and Warlocks in that wizarding land of Aerok. 


Further, the main protagonist Zio works to trick the sealing of warlock and tends to end the game. Going through the journey Zio faces a lot of ups and down, sometimes loses his magic power, sometimes gets through situations by just crafting the magic scrolls. There is not only one character Zio but also another Zoo. additionally, the game has chapters and episodes scenario. 


The game has a lot of features and mysteries to offer to its players. Let us discuss them in detail and find out whether those features are worth playing the game or not.


Dealing with the 5 heroes as well as those Magic Scrolls, the game has the technique to use skills and battle around automatically. You need not do anything; just pick a card in between using the superpower. Well, in my opinion, the automatic functioning makes the game a bit boring. If everything has to happen by itself, then what’s the use of us playing the game. There is no purpose left. If we talk about slashing and destroying enemies, then, in that case, another game named Little Reaper is a better option to choose to offer the same function but leaves the ability to slash the enemy on us.


Well, if we talk about the game’s main motive, then the game is all focused on magic scrolls. In that aspect, it is a thumbs up because, as a player, we can use those magic scrolls as a special power. When the situation seems unfavourable, just activate those scrolls exhilarating the special attack.


ZIO and The Magic Scrolls Review


Next on the list is the magic scrolls collection. That’s interesting to read about!! Readers, I would leave it to you to decide whether this feature is an advantage or a disadvantage. Talking about the magic scrolls, the players are allowed to use only three magic scrolls in a battle. And!! The other thing is the collection of magic scrolls, which can enhance up to 18 magic scrolls in total.


The game consists of the following options:


Shop, New Hero, First Purchase, Kingdom, Hero, Story. Adventure, Summon, etc., which, when opened, have further various options.

Okay, although this is a very small detail but the way a holistic star shows up when you touch the screen is really a fun experience. It gives an amazing feel and somewhere forces you to touch the screen again and again. This could be considered a ‘wanting it more’ factor. 


Here comes the talk about the graphics. Honestly, it gives a feel as if you are watching some anime characters. The whole graphics thing is really fascinating, and the animations are superb. It seems that the design team has worked hard on it, focussing on every small detail. From the designing of icons to designing characters, everything is quite satisfying. The graphics are quite real and addicting.


What about the gameplay? Well, readers, the gameplay is good, offering many powers and a real experience. Somewhat a Manga experience and the summons are reasonable. But if we compare this game, Zio and the Magic Scrolls, to other AFK games, then we couldn’t find anything much unique.


ZIO and The Magic Scrolls Review


The game has some cool range of rewards for the f2p even that seems a plus point for it. Moreover, the ads part need to be appreciated. The game does not literally force you to watch the ads which enhance the gaming experience, and maybe that’s why it is getting appreciation.


Another thing a good game must have is the background music. In this case, while playing the game and exploring throughout, the background music playing gives a feel of those royal battle movies with thrilling and royal music. The game has good music and sounds.


Zio and the Magic Scrolls although is a good game all over but it needs to improve some things, and some issues need to be sorted at the earliest to ensure the success. The game sometimes gets crashed and hinders the gaming. We cannot play further then, which literally is annoying. Another thing is that it needs 220Mb of data to get started, which is not a decent amount of data for everyone. The in-app purchases must be given less priority, and the purchase prices are quite high, and this is something which really must be worked upon. 


So these were some of the goods and bads about the game. Altogether if we try to want to rate this game, then we would like to give it three stars out of 5. 


So players, or we must say heroes as per the concept of the story, get yourself ready to fight those demons, enter that deadly Boss Raid and protect the world. And keep the tagline in mind “Magic must be for the humans!” which means that you can also use magic scrolls and become the world’s strongest wizards.

Download ZIO and the Magic Scrolls on PC