A Shard's Tale Description
You, the protagonist of the story, are a alchemist apprentice in a small village.
One day, your best friend brings you a present. This gift will change your world...and more.
A Shard's Tale is not a run of the mill Visual Novel. It is spread out over 18 chapters in a two part storyline. This is the first chapter.
When you buy it, you will automatically receive any update to this chapter. This means any update until completion AND any fixes / extensions to the storyline that run in this chapter.
One day, your best friend brings you a present. This gift will change your world...and more.
A Shard's Tale is not a run of the mill Visual Novel. It is spread out over 18 chapters in a two part storyline. This is the first chapter.
When you buy it, you will automatically receive any update to this chapter. This means any update until completion AND any fixes / extensions to the storyline that run in this chapter.
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