CADG PLUS Description
An application that allows pharmacists to exchange information on drugs nearing expiry in order to help each other for sales
A commercial application that allows pharmacists who are pharmacy promoters or pharmacy order managers to place an order with CADG.
Also helps community pharmacists who have requested out-of-stock products from CADG by specifying a delivery time
The other features are open to the general public who, among other things, locates health structures, asks for advice from their pharmacist and reads drug leaflets
A commercial application that allows pharmacists who are pharmacy promoters or pharmacy order managers to place an order with CADG.
Also helps community pharmacists who have requested out-of-stock products from CADG by specifying a delivery time
The other features are open to the general public who, among other things, locates health structures, asks for advice from their pharmacist and reads drug leaflets
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