Check&Love Description
The love you are waiting for is among your friends, it's among the people you know.
You frequently see each other, you meet every day, you look at each other from afar, but you don't know what to do.
You don’t want to reveal yourself, because you think that love is only a forbidden dream.
And, impossible or secret love, that's where it's waiting for you, because its reciprocal love indeed, but not revealed; it's secret love, silent and above all, real; just have to discover it, just put a Check to find your Love.
Share Check&Love with people you know and mix with in every day places. In these public spaces, you can join Check&Love communities and events that already exist, you can create communities and events that are open to everyone or only reserved to those you've invited, or meet and get to know other users in your nearby area.
Nevertheless, you need to be present and set up a public profile, because Check&Love communities and events are contexts and occasions for transparent public aggregations and meetings; those who join them can see and find each other, everyone must know who you are and you must meet and get to know people you like.
Join Check&Love, because love is your happy moment that, like laughter, will take you back to childhood when everything was a game.
Join Check&Love, nobody will know, only the person you want to know will know and, because in any case, Check&Love is only a game.
# CheckandLove,Friends,Contacts,Daiting app,Love,Know each other,Fun,Event,Party,Night club
You frequently see each other, you meet every day, you look at each other from afar, but you don't know what to do.
You don’t want to reveal yourself, because you think that love is only a forbidden dream.
And, impossible or secret love, that's where it's waiting for you, because its reciprocal love indeed, but not revealed; it's secret love, silent and above all, real; just have to discover it, just put a Check to find your Love.
Share Check&Love with people you know and mix with in every day places. In these public spaces, you can join Check&Love communities and events that already exist, you can create communities and events that are open to everyone or only reserved to those you've invited, or meet and get to know other users in your nearby area.
Nevertheless, you need to be present and set up a public profile, because Check&Love communities and events are contexts and occasions for transparent public aggregations and meetings; those who join them can see and find each other, everyone must know who you are and you must meet and get to know people you like.
Join Check&Love, because love is your happy moment that, like laughter, will take you back to childhood when everything was a game.
Join Check&Love, nobody will know, only the person you want to know will know and, because in any case, Check&Love is only a game.
# CheckandLove,Friends,Contacts,Daiting app,Love,Know each other,Fun,Event,Party,Night club
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