Circle: Store & Pay with USDC Description
Within your Circle Business Wallet, MPC Vaults allow you to set limits and specific approval policies per transaction threshold. Transactions are not limited to banking hours, and from this app, one-click approvals can happen from anywhere in the world with Circle.
This secure authentication app allows you to:
Approve transactions
Approve changes to Vault policies (including changes to user roles, permissions, transaction limits, and thresholds)
Approve new whitelisted addresses
In this authentication app, customers do not hold usable MPC access tokens. Rather, they are encrypted in the Circle secure execution environment, which requires the input of the PIN which is held and managed in this app.
This secure authentication app allows you to:
Approve transactions
Approve changes to Vault policies (including changes to user roles, permissions, transaction limits, and thresholds)
Approve new whitelisted addresses
In this authentication app, customers do not hold usable MPC access tokens. Rather, they are encrypted in the Circle secure execution environment, which requires the input of the PIN which is held and managed in this app.
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