Cobertura de Pagina CMYK Description
-For printers, copiers and derivatives, know the exact ink consumption per printed page;
-Control prices and material usage more accurately;
-According to the CMYK printing standard, the app provides the exact percentage of each color that will be printed on the page, Cyan(C), Magenta(M), Yellow(Y), Black(K);
-CMYK mode (standard): suitable for black and white text documents, and color images in general;
-Grayscale mode (K only): suitable for color images that will be printed in grayscale.
-Control prices and material usage more accurately;
-According to the CMYK printing standard, the app provides the exact percentage of each color that will be printed on the page, Cyan(C), Magenta(M), Yellow(Y), Black(K);
-CMYK mode (standard): suitable for black and white text documents, and color images in general;
-Grayscale mode (K only): suitable for color images that will be printed in grayscale.
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