Hisn ul Haseen Duas - اردو Description
Hisn ul haseen was compiled by Allama Aljazri. It has duas of Rasul s.a.w for every situation and difficulty of life. The authenticity is guaranteed by Allama Aljazri himself who was a great mohaddis of his time. Allama Aljazri compiled this book when muslims were in great turmoil. Damsacus was under siege, Allama resided in a small town near it and the enemy was due to attack any time. He presented this book to Rasul s.a.w as a gift and made this book a waseela for help. That same night he saw Rasul s.w. in his dream in a manner that Allama was seated on the left side of him. In Arab culture, it meant that he was granted protection. Rasul s.w. asked him what he wanted and Allama pleaded to make dua for him and all muslims. Rasul s.w made a dua by lifting his hands and Allama witnessed it. On the night of sunday, the enemy withdrew forces and went back without attacking. No one, till to date knows what was the reason of their retreat. Allama Aljazri said that it was due to the dua of rasul s.w that their lives were saved. The impact of this book is even today eminent for anyone who starts reciting it regularly. This book was accepted by rasul s.w., hence protection is given to its recitors who seek refuge in it.
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