Machine learning Description
Machine Learning (ML), or machine learning, has become a popular buzzword in the world of technology and artificial intelligence. In this article, we'll explore the basic concepts and potential contained in machine learning, and how this technology has changed various aspects of our lives.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that is concerned with developing computer systems capable of learning from data and experience to improve performance without needing to be programmed explicitly. In machine learning, algorithms are used to analyze and study patterns in data, so that machines can make predictions and make intelligent decisions.
Supervised Learning: In supervised learning, ML models are trained using datasets with known labels. For example, in image classification, the model is trained by providing examples of images along with their respective category labels. The goal is to make the model able to recognize and predict the right labels for new data.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that is concerned with developing computer systems capable of learning from data and experience to improve performance without needing to be programmed explicitly. In machine learning, algorithms are used to analyze and study patterns in data, so that machines can make predictions and make intelligent decisions.
Supervised Learning: In supervised learning, ML models are trained using datasets with known labels. For example, in image classification, the model is trained by providing examples of images along with their respective category labels. The goal is to make the model able to recognize and predict the right labels for new data.
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