Quick Calculator Description
App Introduction and How to Use Instructions
App Name: Quick Calculator
Welcome to Quick Calculator!
Simple Quick Calculator is a user-friendly and efficient calculator app designed to help you perform basic arithmetic operations with ease. Follow the instructions below to get started.
How to Use Simple Calculator
Launch the App:
Open the Simple Calculator app from your device's app drawer.
Enter Numbers:
Tap on the "First Number" field and input the first number using the on-screen keyboard.
Tap on the "Second Number" field and input the second number.
Perform Calculations:
Tap on the operation button you want to use:
Add: Tap the "Add" button to add the two numbers.
Subtract: Tap the "Subtract" button to subtract the second number from the first.
Multiply: Tap the "Multiply" button to multiply the two numbers.
Divide: Tap the "Divide" button to divide the first number by the second.
View the Result:
The result of the calculation will be displayed in the "Result" field.
Clear the Fields:
To clear the input fields and result, tap the "Clear" button.
View the Privacy Policy:
Tap the "Privacy Policy" button to read our privacy policy. This will open a new screen displaying the privacy policy in a WebView or as a dialog with a link to the privacy policy URL.
Ensure you input valid numbers in both fields to avoid calculation errors.
Use the "Clear" button before starting a new calculation to avoid confusion with previous inputs and results.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to contact us at enlightglobe.com@gmail.com.
Thank you for using Simple quick Calculator!
App Name: Quick Calculator
Welcome to Quick Calculator!
Simple Quick Calculator is a user-friendly and efficient calculator app designed to help you perform basic arithmetic operations with ease. Follow the instructions below to get started.
How to Use Simple Calculator
Launch the App:
Open the Simple Calculator app from your device's app drawer.
Enter Numbers:
Tap on the "First Number" field and input the first number using the on-screen keyboard.
Tap on the "Second Number" field and input the second number.
Perform Calculations:
Tap on the operation button you want to use:
Add: Tap the "Add" button to add the two numbers.
Subtract: Tap the "Subtract" button to subtract the second number from the first.
Multiply: Tap the "Multiply" button to multiply the two numbers.
Divide: Tap the "Divide" button to divide the first number by the second.
View the Result:
The result of the calculation will be displayed in the "Result" field.
Clear the Fields:
To clear the input fields and result, tap the "Clear" button.
View the Privacy Policy:
Tap the "Privacy Policy" button to read our privacy policy. This will open a new screen displaying the privacy policy in a WebView or as a dialog with a link to the privacy policy URL.
Ensure you input valid numbers in both fields to avoid calculation errors.
Use the "Clear" button before starting a new calculation to avoid confusion with previous inputs and results.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to contact us at enlightglobe.com@gmail.com.
Thank you for using Simple quick Calculator!
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