Golden Flower Description
Pick 3 cards and compare cards combination in hand to cards combination in enemy's hand.
The sort of cards combination(from highest to lowest)
1. Trips (3 same cards)
2.Straight Flush(same suits and 3 continuous numbers) ex. 7,8,9 with Spades
3. Flush(same suits)
4. Straight(only 3 continuous numbers)
5. Pair(with one pair and another card)
6. High card(none of above, 3 random cards)
Pick 3 cards and compare cards combination in hand to cards combination in enemy's hand.
The sort of cards combination(from highest to lowest)
1. Trips (3 same cards)
2.Straight Flush(same suits and 3 continuous numbers) ex. 7,8,9 with Spades
3. Flush(same suits)
4. Straight(only 3 continuous numbers)
5. Pair(with one pair and another card)
6. High card(none of above, 3 random cards)
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