도토리와인 - 와인 가격 검색, 와인 할인행사 정보 Description
Are you buying expensive wine every time because you can't check the wine price?
Acorn Wine will help you purchase wine wisely.
Start now for smart daily wine shopping.
main function
1. Find mart, convenience store wine list and price information.
-Check the wine list and prices of each country at the local convenience store at the hypermarket.
2. Conveniently information on wines in marts and convenience stores during discount events on your mobile phone.
-Don't miss out on limited-time wine discounts such as convenience stores, Costco, and E-Mart.
3. Quickly search your purchase history for the price of wine you want to buy.
-You can check the price of wine by mart collected by Acorn Wine.
Wine is only available offline, making it difficult to check prices online. You can search for wine in Korean like Bibino.
Use Acorn Wine to buy wine reasonably.
Acorn Wine will help you purchase wine wisely.
Start now for smart daily wine shopping.
main function
1. Find mart, convenience store wine list and price information.
-Check the wine list and prices of each country at the local convenience store at the hypermarket.
2. Conveniently information on wines in marts and convenience stores during discount events on your mobile phone.
-Don't miss out on limited-time wine discounts such as convenience stores, Costco, and E-Mart.
3. Quickly search your purchase history for the price of wine you want to buy.
-You can check the price of wine by mart collected by Acorn Wine.
Wine is only available offline, making it difficult to check prices online. You can search for wine in Korean like Bibino.
Use Acorn Wine to buy wine reasonably.
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