أسئلة و أجوبة ، عالم المعرفة Description
Application questions and general information
An application with a large number of general, religious, political, mathematical and historical questions.
It is a comprehensive, fun and multi-disciplinary cultural information application, application-like game, and puzzle game that improves the level of cognitive balance. One question and four answers are random questions, that is, luck, players must find the correct answer, because these questions are about general culture
It is a fun game in the sense of science and culture pressure competition, which consists of a cultural competition in the form of a challenge where people can test themselves and enrich the balance between science, knowledge and culture. So that people with general culture and knowledge in various fields.
An application with a large number of general, religious, political, mathematical and historical questions.
It is a comprehensive, fun and multi-disciplinary cultural information application, application-like game, and puzzle game that improves the level of cognitive balance. One question and four answers are random questions, that is, luck, players must find the correct answer, because these questions are about general culture
It is a fun game in the sense of science and culture pressure competition, which consists of a cultural competition in the form of a challenge where people can test themselves and enrich the balance between science, knowledge and culture. So that people with general culture and knowledge in various fields.
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