Türkçe ve Osmanlıca Sözlük Description
Dictionary of Turkish Words, Ottoman Words, Proverbs and Idioms
* You can access more than 157 thousand vocabulary without being connected to the internet.
* You can easily search by words or their meanings
* You can access dictionaries of Ottoman, Turkish, Proverbs and Idioms from start to finish without any search.
* Dictionary Categories; you can read them all through, in shuffle or alphabetical order
* You can continue where you left off by creating multiple save points so that you don't forget where you left off in categories containing too many words.
* You can add words to your favorite or custom created lists.
* You can access more than 157 thousand vocabulary without being connected to the internet.
* You can easily search by words or their meanings
* You can access dictionaries of Ottoman, Turkish, Proverbs and Idioms from start to finish without any search.
* Dictionary Categories; you can read them all through, in shuffle or alphabetical order
* You can continue where you left off by creating multiple save points so that you don't forget where you left off in categories containing too many words.
* You can add words to your favorite or custom created lists.
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