일반행정직 공무원 7급 9급 - 시험일정 경쟁률 합격선 Description
General administrative public officials are public officials who are in charge of overall civil affairs administration, including general administration, society, culture, and public relations, in front-line departments of each organization. They are assigned to all ministries and departments of the government except the Board of Audit and Inspection, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Prosecutor's Office. The number of exams administered per year is approximately 2 to 4 depending on the address. Since the exam dates are different for each, there is a condition that all can take the exam, and the number of employees is limited. There are many of them, making it easier to pass the exam. In addition, the exam subjects for general administrative positions are much more advantageous when applying for other occupations, so it is safe to say that the opportunity to actually take the exam is available all year round.
Civil servants, general administrative positions, are increasingly popular occupations day by day!
We hope that you, too, prepare through the General Administrative Civil Servant Grade 7 and Grade 9 - Exam Schedule Competition Rate Passing Line application and even pass!
Civil servants, general administrative positions, are increasingly popular occupations day by day!
We hope that you, too, prepare through the General Administrative Civil Servant Grade 7 and Grade 9 - Exam Schedule Competition Rate Passing Line application and even pass!
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