Visit touristic places in the world and in our country with pictures. Guess which country, have fun and learn!
Skip the section by finding the countries in the most accurate way and earn coins as you know. Use the coins you earn as a clue. New levels will be added to the game, which now consists of 250 levels.
Contents to be added;
Tourist in our world
Tourist places in our country
And other historical touristic places that are not counted above but are included in the sightseeing places will also be added.
Click to play free game, download.
With the game of finding countries, touristic places and places to visit in the world and in our country are in front of you. Explore the touristic places in the world and in our country with the FIND A COUNTRY game these days, which cannot go out. Visit places with games, have a good time. Play for free!
You can choose free games from our apps to support you. If you want to play word games, we have word games on other topics. If you want to find places to visit in English, you can choose from the link below. FIND COUNTRY -WHERE IS HERE? Places to visit with the game will appear as the names of countries in English.
Piremir Developer Page
If you want to support, download our other applications other than places to visit, comment and give stars. Or you can buy our paid apps and games.
Thank you for choosing Piremir for free game play.
If there are historical touristic places that we do not include in the touristic places in the world and in our country but you want to be added, you can send them in the comments or via piremirio@gmail.com.
Skip the section by finding the countries in the most accurate way and earn coins as you know. Use the coins you earn as a clue. New levels will be added to the game, which now consists of 250 levels.
Contents to be added;
Tourist in our world
Tourist places in our country
And other historical touristic places that are not counted above but are included in the sightseeing places will also be added.
Click to play free game, download.
With the game of finding countries, touristic places and places to visit in the world and in our country are in front of you. Explore the touristic places in the world and in our country with the FIND A COUNTRY game these days, which cannot go out. Visit places with games, have a good time. Play for free!
You can choose free games from our apps to support you. If you want to play word games, we have word games on other topics. If you want to find places to visit in English, you can choose from the link below. FIND COUNTRY -WHERE IS HERE? Places to visit with the game will appear as the names of countries in English.
Piremir Developer Page
If you want to support, download our other applications other than places to visit, comment and give stars. Or you can buy our paid apps and games.
Thank you for choosing Piremir for free game play.
If there are historical touristic places that we do not include in the touristic places in the world and in our country but you want to be added, you can send them in the comments or via piremirio@gmail.com.
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