繁簡轉換 - 中文繁體轉簡體,簡體轉繁體 Description
Convert Chinese characters to traditional and simplified Chinese, support interchange between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, commonly used vocabulary translation, and support document translation.
Enter the content you want to translate or copy and paste the content into the input box to automatically translate it. The translation results can be shared, copied and viewed enlarged.
Document translation can support text formats such as txt, xml, html, etc. The conversion results can be saved in a folder, and the converted documents can be viewed and shared.
Translation option description:
1. Convert Simplified to Taiwanese Traditional: Simplified Chinese is converted to Taiwanese Traditional Chinese, and Traditional Chinese uses Taiwanese idioms.
2. Convert Simplified Chinese to Hong Kong Traditional Chinese: Convert Simplified Chinese to Hong Kong Traditional Chinese, and Traditional Chinese uses Hong Kong idioms.
3. Convert Simplified to Traditional Chinese: Convert Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese.
4. Conversion from Taiwanese Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese: Taiwanese Traditional Chinese is converted to Simplified Chinese, and Simplified Chinese uses the idioms of Mainland China.
5. Convert Hong Kong Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese: Hong Kong Traditional Chinese is converted to Simplified Chinese, and Simplified Chinese uses the idioms of Mainland China.
6. Convert Traditional to Simplified: Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese.
It can be used without an Internet connection, simple and easy to use!
Enter the content you want to translate or copy and paste the content into the input box to automatically translate it. The translation results can be shared, copied and viewed enlarged.
Document translation can support text formats such as txt, xml, html, etc. The conversion results can be saved in a folder, and the converted documents can be viewed and shared.
Translation option description:
1. Convert Simplified to Taiwanese Traditional: Simplified Chinese is converted to Taiwanese Traditional Chinese, and Traditional Chinese uses Taiwanese idioms.
2. Convert Simplified Chinese to Hong Kong Traditional Chinese: Convert Simplified Chinese to Hong Kong Traditional Chinese, and Traditional Chinese uses Hong Kong idioms.
3. Convert Simplified to Traditional Chinese: Convert Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese.
4. Conversion from Taiwanese Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese: Taiwanese Traditional Chinese is converted to Simplified Chinese, and Simplified Chinese uses the idioms of Mainland China.
5. Convert Hong Kong Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese: Hong Kong Traditional Chinese is converted to Simplified Chinese, and Simplified Chinese uses the idioms of Mainland China.
6. Convert Traditional to Simplified: Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese.
It can be used without an Internet connection, simple and easy to use!
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