مواعيد الصلاة للمسلمين(Prayer Description
مواعيد الصلاة للمسلمين هو تطبيق سهل ومبسط يشمل اوقات الصلاة في البلاد العربية والاسلامية ما يميز هذا التطبيق هو سهولة استخدامه حيث تم تقسيم البلدان الى مجموعات وتم ذكر اوقات الصلاة لكل مجموعة في التفصيل ,اوقات الصلاة تشمل بلاد الشام ودول الخليج
تم ذكر ايضا امساكيات رمضان لكل دولة سواء عند اذان المغرب او عند اذان الفجر.
التطبيق فيه صوت الاذان المريح والعذب .
حمل الان تطبيق مواعيد الصلاة للمسلمين ولا تنسانا من التقييم.
Prayer times for Muslims is an easy and simplified application that includes prayer times in Arab and Islamic countries. What distinguishes this application is its ease of use, as countries have been divided into groups and prayer times for each group have been mentioned in detail.
Ramadan evening prayers are also mentioned for each country, whether at the sunset prayer or at the dawn call to prayer.
The application has the comfortable and sweet Azan sound.
Download now the application of prayer times for Muslims and do not forget us from the evaluation.
تم ذكر ايضا امساكيات رمضان لكل دولة سواء عند اذان المغرب او عند اذان الفجر.
التطبيق فيه صوت الاذان المريح والعذب .
حمل الان تطبيق مواعيد الصلاة للمسلمين ولا تنسانا من التقييم.
Prayer times for Muslims is an easy and simplified application that includes prayer times in Arab and Islamic countries. What distinguishes this application is its ease of use, as countries have been divided into groups and prayer times for each group have been mentioned in detail.
Ramadan evening prayers are also mentioned for each country, whether at the sunset prayer or at the dawn call to prayer.
The application has the comfortable and sweet Azan sound.
Download now the application of prayer times for Muslims and do not forget us from the evaluation.
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