心情 Description
Were you happy on May 12 last year? What makes you happy?
Mood APP can record your mood, good things and unhappy things anytime and anywhere, using points, text, pictures, etc.
We also recommend you some tips that can affect your mood.
We attach special importance to your privacy. You can log in without registering. We will not collect your device model, device language, application version, and IP. During use, we will not collect any of your records, including all text, picture.
Mood APP can record your mood, good things and unhappy things anytime and anywhere, using points, text, pictures, etc.
We also recommend you some tips that can affect your mood.
We attach special importance to your privacy. You can log in without registering. We will not collect your device model, device language, application version, and IP. During use, we will not collect any of your records, including all text, picture.
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