Resfebe Sarayı 1 Description
Words or groups of words, letters, symbols, pictures, colors, etc. It is called resfebe. (It is a name derived from the illustrated alphabet.) In solving resfebe questions; size or smallness (large, giant, large, rough, small, tiny, mini, long, short, narrow, wide, wide, etc.)
color or tone
Position or stance (reverse, side, upright, intermediate, middle, back, front, front, rear, back, bottom, top, end, end, beginning, head, first, north, south, east, west, left, right, right, left, etc.)
Mathematical or geometric concepts (numbers, roman numerals, minus, tre, plus, times, times, times, over, congruence, equal, square, numerator, denominator, circle, cube, sphere, deck, dozen, blank, ray, plane, straight, angle, exponent, etc.)
Symbols (&(with, and), percent, tab, alpha, gamma, notes, etc.)
Synonyms (Put head instead of head; descend instead of cave; mar instead of snake; nan instead of bread, pill or suck instead of medicine, ab,ma,wet,wet instead of water; od,ember,har instead of fire; moment instead of hour, time; fame instead of sound sign; love, affection, heart instead of heart; mah, kamer etc. instead of moon) can be used.
Equals sign between letters and objects "equal, dir, dir, stop, dür, tir, until" etc. (S=E, S is E; B=HR, B threshold; KAL=IM, Lift etc.)
If there is another symbol on a symbol, we can use different forms of "de or li" as possession suffixes. For example, if there is sugar on tea, we can use it to form a meaningful word "tea with sugar, tea with sugar, sugar in tea, sugar in tea". If there is the letter E on the D, we can say it is the D Hand. If the letter M is on the clock, we can use the moment instead of the clock, so we can create a meaningful word m an (m on the clock).
What symbols, letters and pictures are made of can also be important in resfebe. (A letter T made of thread can be written as Tip, ip t, t tipten. If the letter T is made upside down, their reverse reading is used. A letter A made of water can be written as "Su a, ab a ,A ma, ma a, a su etc. available.)
If letters, symbols, pictures, etc., are the same color as the background. If there are any, it means that they will be removed from the word. For example, if there is an A on the coin with the same color as the background, it means an A letter will be removed from the coin. The appropriate one from "par or pra" is used.
Speech bubble is generally used to mean "say", the present tense form of the verb to say.
The thought bubble is usually a dream, a dream, a moment, etc. used in meaning. If there is food in the thought bubble, it is used to mean "hungry" because that food is thought.
Objects attached with paper clips, letters etc. If there is a paper clip, it is usually an attachment, attachment, addition, etc. used in the meaning.
color or tone
Position or stance (reverse, side, upright, intermediate, middle, back, front, front, rear, back, bottom, top, end, end, beginning, head, first, north, south, east, west, left, right, right, left, etc.)
Mathematical or geometric concepts (numbers, roman numerals, minus, tre, plus, times, times, times, over, congruence, equal, square, numerator, denominator, circle, cube, sphere, deck, dozen, blank, ray, plane, straight, angle, exponent, etc.)
Symbols (&(with, and), percent, tab, alpha, gamma, notes, etc.)
Synonyms (Put head instead of head; descend instead of cave; mar instead of snake; nan instead of bread, pill or suck instead of medicine, ab,ma,wet,wet instead of water; od,ember,har instead of fire; moment instead of hour, time; fame instead of sound sign; love, affection, heart instead of heart; mah, kamer etc. instead of moon) can be used.
Equals sign between letters and objects "equal, dir, dir, stop, dür, tir, until" etc. (S=E, S is E; B=HR, B threshold; KAL=IM, Lift etc.)
If there is another symbol on a symbol, we can use different forms of "de or li" as possession suffixes. For example, if there is sugar on tea, we can use it to form a meaningful word "tea with sugar, tea with sugar, sugar in tea, sugar in tea". If there is the letter E on the D, we can say it is the D Hand. If the letter M is on the clock, we can use the moment instead of the clock, so we can create a meaningful word m an (m on the clock).
What symbols, letters and pictures are made of can also be important in resfebe. (A letter T made of thread can be written as Tip, ip t, t tipten. If the letter T is made upside down, their reverse reading is used. A letter A made of water can be written as "Su a, ab a ,A ma, ma a, a su etc. available.)
If letters, symbols, pictures, etc., are the same color as the background. If there are any, it means that they will be removed from the word. For example, if there is an A on the coin with the same color as the background, it means an A letter will be removed from the coin. The appropriate one from "par or pra" is used.
Speech bubble is generally used to mean "say", the present tense form of the verb to say.
The thought bubble is usually a dream, a dream, a moment, etc. used in meaning. If there is food in the thought bubble, it is used to mean "hungry" because that food is thought.
Objects attached with paper clips, letters etc. If there is a paper clip, it is usually an attachment, attachment, addition, etc. used in the meaning.
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