과외앱 - 온라인과외 비대면과외 화상과외 Description
There are many students who want to go to private tutoring to raise their grades.
Tutoring app - Online tutoring Non-face-to-face tutoring Using video tutoring applications, you can not only find the right teacher for you, but also conveniently conduct classes online.
* Recommended for these people.
- Students whose grades do not rise even after various methods such as academy, tutoring, group tutoring, etc.
- Students who have a weak will to study and need to establish study habits first
- Students whose grades do not go up even if they go to private academies due to lack of foundation
- Students who do not reach the top of the ranks
Tutoring App - Please try personalized study with online tutoring, non-face-to-face tutoring, and video tutoring applications.
Tutoring app - Online tutoring Non-face-to-face tutoring Using video tutoring applications, you can not only find the right teacher for you, but also conveniently conduct classes online.
* Recommended for these people.
- Students whose grades do not rise even after various methods such as academy, tutoring, group tutoring, etc.
- Students who have a weak will to study and need to establish study habits first
- Students whose grades do not go up even if they go to private academies due to lack of foundation
- Students who do not reach the top of the ranks
Tutoring App - Please try personalized study with online tutoring, non-face-to-face tutoring, and video tutoring applications.
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