SAFE Description
The SAFE app is Spectralink’s application for emergencies. It can be deployed in lone worker environments or where facilities require extra security.
* Personal monitoring for mandown functionality
* Alarms include no movement, tilt and running alarms
* Snooze feature to suspend activity briefly
* Panic button calls to an emergency number
* Panic button feature via alarm button
* Status icons monitor phone state
* Alerts graduate from warning to alarm state
* Customizable ring tones
* Interfaces with security services
* Devices may be grouped
* For use only on Spectralink devices
* Personal monitoring for mandown functionality
* Alarms include no movement, tilt and running alarms
* Snooze feature to suspend activity briefly
* Panic button calls to an emergency number
* Panic button feature via alarm button
* Status icons monitor phone state
* Alerts graduate from warning to alarm state
* Customizable ring tones
* Interfaces with security services
* Devices may be grouped
* For use only on Spectralink devices
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