쉽계 - 세금계산을 쉽게 Description
This is a tax calculator that makes it easy to calculate taxes in situations such as transfer, gift, and inheritance.
Actual tax calculation details may vary depending on individual circumstances, so please check with an expert.
1. General calculator: General arithmetic calculator
2. Exchange rate calculator: Apply the exchange rate announced by the Export-Import Bank of Korea
3. Interest calculator: deposit, savings, loan calculator
4. Borrowing calculator: Check interest rates on funds borrowed from parents, etc. and create an IOU
5. Gift tax calculator: Tax calculator when cash or real estate is received as a gift
6. Transfer tax calculator: Tax calculator when selling real estate such as land, buildings, houses, etc.
7. Inheritance tax calculator: Tax calculator when inheriting property from deceased parents
8. Real estate free use profit calculator: Calculator for free use of parents’ real estate or collateral.
Actual tax calculation details may vary depending on individual circumstances, so please check with an expert.
1. General calculator: General arithmetic calculator
2. Exchange rate calculator: Apply the exchange rate announced by the Export-Import Bank of Korea
3. Interest calculator: deposit, savings, loan calculator
4. Borrowing calculator: Check interest rates on funds borrowed from parents, etc. and create an IOU
5. Gift tax calculator: Tax calculator when cash or real estate is received as a gift
6. Transfer tax calculator: Tax calculator when selling real estate such as land, buildings, houses, etc.
7. Inheritance tax calculator: Tax calculator when inheriting property from deceased parents
8. Real estate free use profit calculator: Calculator for free use of parents’ real estate or collateral.
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