► Every day there are new chapters
You can read tons of HD stories from all kinds of genres, such as action, BL, yaoi, yuri, comedy, horror, etc.
The chapters are updated regularly. Even some comics are updated every day, that is 7 chapters a week.
Now you can also read the most popular Korean comics on SPICY COMICS
► New releases every week.
New free comics and novels are released every week.
Bookmark your stories and you'll never miss an update.
Some comics are paid, but the vast majority are 100% free.
► You can download your favorite comics and then read them without an internet connection.
► SPICY COMICS has optimized the way of reading comics. When you get to the end of a chapter keep dragging down to go to the next chapter, so you will have an uninterrupted reading.
► Write your own novel to share it with millions of users around the world. The most outstanding novels will be published in comic format.
You can read tons of HD stories from all kinds of genres, such as action, BL, yaoi, yuri, comedy, horror, etc.
The chapters are updated regularly. Even some comics are updated every day, that is 7 chapters a week.
Now you can also read the most popular Korean comics on SPICY COMICS
► New releases every week.
New free comics and novels are released every week.
Bookmark your stories and you'll never miss an update.
Some comics are paid, but the vast majority are 100% free.
► You can download your favorite comics and then read them without an internet connection.
► SPICY COMICS has optimized the way of reading comics. When you get to the end of a chapter keep dragging down to go to the next chapter, so you will have an uninterrupted reading.
► Write your own novel to share it with millions of users around the world. The most outstanding novels will be published in comic format.
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