Countries Info Description
You can search countries by their name, country code or name of the capital.
The app currently gives you this information about each country:
- Official Name
- Short version of the name
- Country Code
- Continent / Continents
- Time zone/zones
- Surrounding countries' codes (borders)
- Language/Languages
- Area of the country in km²
- Population
- Domain (ex: .uk for United Kingdom)
- Name of the capital
- Name of the currency
- Symbol of the currency
- Which side of the road the cars drive on
- Is it independent
- Is it an UN member
- An image of the flag
- A map that shows the country on it. (Using Google Maps)
In order to get the information about your desired country the app needs access to the internet, however once the information is loaded on your device you can "favor" the country by clicking the ⭐ button at the top right corner of the screen and the information for that country will be saved for offline viewing. You can later delete the country or countries from your "Saved Countries" list at any time, when you no longer need them.
The app currently gives you this information about each country:
- Official Name
- Short version of the name
- Country Code
- Continent / Continents
- Time zone/zones
- Surrounding countries' codes (borders)
- Language/Languages
- Area of the country in km²
- Population
- Domain (ex: .uk for United Kingdom)
- Name of the capital
- Name of the currency
- Symbol of the currency
- Which side of the road the cars drive on
- Is it independent
- Is it an UN member
- An image of the flag
- A map that shows the country on it. (Using Google Maps)
In order to get the information about your desired country the app needs access to the internet, however once the information is loaded on your device you can "favor" the country by clicking the ⭐ button at the top right corner of the screen and the information for that country will be saved for offline viewing. You can later delete the country or countries from your "Saved Countries" list at any time, when you no longer need them.
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