Dhikr Zikir Counter | Tasbeeh Description
The Zikirmatik application, which I developed considering my own usage needs, is completely ad-free.
In our Ad-Free Zikirmatik Application, you can continue your dhikr in black screen mode in a way that prevents you from being distracted or in a way that is not visible from the outside.
In our ad-free Zikirmatik application, you can get a very small vibration every time you touch the screen while praying the rosary (Tasbeeh) , and if you wish, you can get a long vibration when you reach the number of dhikr you set.
In our Ad-Free Zikirmatik Application, you can continue your dhikr in black screen mode in a way that prevents you from being distracted or in a way that is not visible from the outside.
In our ad-free Zikirmatik application, you can get a very small vibration every time you touch the screen while praying the rosary (Tasbeeh) , and if you wish, you can get a long vibration when you reach the number of dhikr you set.
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