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There are thousands of religious words and prayers in our application.
You can also add the words you want to favorites.
Kandil messages,
There are words from Berat Kandili, Miraç Kandili, Friday Messages and many more categories. The day of Ashura, the words of Mevlana
There are sayings such as Hadith-i Sharifs that you can easily find and use completely without internet.
There are thousands of messages of the blessed month of Ramadan and 2022 words that you can send, share and copy to your friends, such as iftar and sahur.
You can also add the words you want to favorites.
Kandil messages,
There are words from Berat Kandili, Miraç Kandili, Friday Messages and many more categories. The day of Ashura, the words of Mevlana
There are sayings such as Hadith-i Sharifs that you can easily find and use completely without internet.
There are thousands of messages of the blessed month of Ramadan and 2022 words that you can send, share and copy to your friends, such as iftar and sahur.
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