Eat Local 219 Description
Your Local go-to for everything NWI food brought to you by LOCAL219.
We strive to bring you insights and exclusive deals for as many local restaurants through our EatLocal219 app. Our goal is to help connect you with your next great meal. Whether it’s a date night, a family night, or you’re on a time crunch, we know we can help guide you in the right direction!
Coverage in: Crown Point, Cedar Lake, Highland, Merrillville, Schererville, St. John, Valparaiso, with more to come!
Explore: Browse each restaurants section to view a video showing their ambiance, a couple of their key dishes, and some of their drinks!
Deals: Browse our deals list to find all of the exclusive deals in the area.
We strive to bring you insights and exclusive deals for as many local restaurants through our EatLocal219 app. Our goal is to help connect you with your next great meal. Whether it’s a date night, a family night, or you’re on a time crunch, we know we can help guide you in the right direction!
Coverage in: Crown Point, Cedar Lake, Highland, Merrillville, Schererville, St. John, Valparaiso, with more to come!
Explore: Browse each restaurants section to view a video showing their ambiance, a couple of their key dishes, and some of their drinks!
Deals: Browse our deals list to find all of the exclusive deals in the area.
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