FonTakip Portföy ve Fon Analiz Description
You can instantly access the prices of mutual funds traded by the CMB, follow the monthly and annual price changes of these mutual funds, and monitor the winning and losing funds.
By creating multiple portfolios, you can track the daily or total return, profit or loss rate and value of funds and portfolios separately, you can see your average cost after fund purchases and transactions, and your gross profit after sales transactions. In short, you can follow your investment accounts through a single application.
Since your fund transactions and information are only kept on your phone, you are FULLY ANNOUNCED! In addition, even if you do not have an internet connection at that moment, you can run the application and access daily portfolio and mutual funds data.
With the analysis section, you can analyze the performance, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and sharpe ratios of funds on a three-year, annual and monthly basis.
Moreover, all its features are free of charge, without subscription or registration.
By creating multiple portfolios, you can track the daily or total return, profit or loss rate and value of funds and portfolios separately, you can see your average cost after fund purchases and transactions, and your gross profit after sales transactions. In short, you can follow your investment accounts through a single application.
Since your fund transactions and information are only kept on your phone, you are FULLY ANNOUNCED! In addition, even if you do not have an internet connection at that moment, you can run the application and access daily portfolio and mutual funds data.
With the analysis section, you can analyze the performance, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and sharpe ratios of funds on a three-year, annual and monthly basis.
Moreover, all its features are free of charge, without subscription or registration.
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