GRAMAD Description
"GRAMAD" - turakty kosymshasy
- Әr satyp aludan bonustar alyңyz zhane satyp alu kunynyn 50% - for deyin tolenіz!
- Kosymshaga "GRAMAD" zharamdy bonustyk kartasyn tirkenіz nemese zhana virtualdy kartany zhasanyz!
- Zhinaқtalgan bonustar turaly akparatty қaranyz;
- Satyp alu tarikhyn kadagalanyz;
- "GRAMAD" sauda zhelіsіnen akkiyalar, zhenіldіkter zhane baska and ұsynystar turaly bіlіnіz;
- Kartadan en zhakyn supermarketti tabynyz.
1. Kosymshany zhukteniz;
2. Uyaly phone nomіrіn engіzіnіz (jaeger "GRAMAD" bonus kartasy bolsa, tirkeu kezіnde saualnamada bұryn körsetіlgen ұyaly phone nomіrіn körsetu kazhet);
3. Phone number nөmirіnіzdі rastau үshin SMS texer kodyn alyңyz;
4. Codes engizinіz;
5. Eger tirkeu kezinde baska telephone nomiri bolsa, siz kosymshaga kіre almaisyz. Zhumys kunderі sagat 9:00-den 18:00-ge deyіn +7 (777) 788-88-99
Jagymdy sauda bolsyn!
"GRAMAD" - an application for permanent
buyers of the GRAMAD chain of stores. Brings you to the next level
interaction with the network of stores "GRAMAD".
- Get bonuses with every purchase and pay up to 50% of the purchase price!
- Link a valid GRAMAD bonus card in the application or create a new virtual one!
- View information about accumulated bonuses;
-Track your purchase history;
- Learn about promotions, discounts and other offers from the trading network "GRAMAD";
- Find the nearest supermarket on the map.
1. Download the application;
2. Enter a mobile phone number (if you have a GRAMAD bonus card, you must specify the mobile phone number indicated earlier in the registration form);
3. Receive a verification code via SMS to confirm your phone number;
4. Enter the code;
5. If a different phone number was specified during registration, you will not be able to enter the application. You need to contact the phone number: +7 (777) 788-88-99 from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, our managers will explain to you and help you install the application.
Happy shopping!
- Әr satyp aludan bonustar alyңyz zhane satyp alu kunynyn 50% - for deyin tolenіz!
- Kosymshaga "GRAMAD" zharamdy bonustyk kartasyn tirkenіz nemese zhana virtualdy kartany zhasanyz!
- Zhinaқtalgan bonustar turaly akparatty қaranyz;
- Satyp alu tarikhyn kadagalanyz;
- "GRAMAD" sauda zhelіsіnen akkiyalar, zhenіldіkter zhane baska and ұsynystar turaly bіlіnіz;
- Kartadan en zhakyn supermarketti tabynyz.
1. Kosymshany zhukteniz;
2. Uyaly phone nomіrіn engіzіnіz (jaeger "GRAMAD" bonus kartasy bolsa, tirkeu kezіnde saualnamada bұryn körsetіlgen ұyaly phone nomіrіn körsetu kazhet);
3. Phone number nөmirіnіzdі rastau үshin SMS texer kodyn alyңyz;
4. Codes engizinіz;
5. Eger tirkeu kezinde baska telephone nomiri bolsa, siz kosymshaga kіre almaisyz. Zhumys kunderі sagat 9:00-den 18:00-ge deyіn +7 (777) 788-88-99
Jagymdy sauda bolsyn!
"GRAMAD" - an application for permanent
buyers of the GRAMAD chain of stores. Brings you to the next level
interaction with the network of stores "GRAMAD".
- Get bonuses with every purchase and pay up to 50% of the purchase price!
- Link a valid GRAMAD bonus card in the application or create a new virtual one!
- View information about accumulated bonuses;
-Track your purchase history;
- Learn about promotions, discounts and other offers from the trading network "GRAMAD";
- Find the nearest supermarket on the map.
1. Download the application;
2. Enter a mobile phone number (if you have a GRAMAD bonus card, you must specify the mobile phone number indicated earlier in the registration form);
3. Receive a verification code via SMS to confirm your phone number;
4. Enter the code;
5. If a different phone number was specified during registration, you will not be able to enter the application. You need to contact the phone number: +7 (777) 788-88-99 from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, our managers will explain to you and help you install the application.
Happy shopping!
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