Groov: Rate and Share Concerts Description
Groov helps you discover upcoming shows from your favorite artists, rate concerts you attend, and share your concert "check ins" with friends!
Built by music lovers for music lovers, Groov lets you follow the artists you love and the venues you attend, and extend your network by finding friends with shared musical interests. Plus, Groov helps you to find cheap tickets to upcoming shows thanks to SeatGeek!
The Groov app features...
Concert Check Ins: Groov's simple interface lets you "check in" at shows you attend. Add pictures, comments, tag friends, and even "cheer" other check ins you like.
Artists and Venues: Search for your favorite artists and music venues. Track both artists and venues so you can see follow their upcoming events (and maybe even grab a cheap ticket!).
Friends: Manage your friend connections through Groov, tag friends in your check ins, and share concert experiences by adding comments while cheering their check ins.
Notifications: Get notified when someone tags you in a check in, adds you as a friend, or comments on one of your posts.
Privacy: Groov lets you specify who can see your check ins and your concert photos. Groov only asks for minimal contact information to get you started, never shares your data, and never sends spam or junk, ever!
Built by music lovers for music lovers, Groov lets you follow the artists you love and the venues you attend, and extend your network by finding friends with shared musical interests. Plus, Groov helps you to find cheap tickets to upcoming shows thanks to SeatGeek!
The Groov app features...
Concert Check Ins: Groov's simple interface lets you "check in" at shows you attend. Add pictures, comments, tag friends, and even "cheer" other check ins you like.
Artists and Venues: Search for your favorite artists and music venues. Track both artists and venues so you can see follow their upcoming events (and maybe even grab a cheap ticket!).
Friends: Manage your friend connections through Groov, tag friends in your check ins, and share concert experiences by adding comments while cheering their check ins.
Notifications: Get notified when someone tags you in a check in, adds you as a friend, or comments on one of your posts.
Privacy: Groov lets you specify who can see your check ins and your concert photos. Groov only asks for minimal contact information to get you started, never shares your data, and never sends spam or junk, ever!
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