Harry Gwala FM Description
The station is the first community radio station to be launched and aired in the small town of Umzimkhulu. Reality is that the Harry Gwala District is the ONLY district, in the entire KwaZulu-Natal Province that had no community radio. Sisonke Community Radio, operating as Harry Gwala FM, was granted license on 28th August 2015. It consists of three aerials, Straalhoek (uMzimkhulu) and Transnet (Donnybrook) and Kokstad aerials at 88.8fm and 101.9fm respectively. This project covers 400 km radius. An internal analysis of the organisation was conducted; by means of a strategic plan session, to assess the internal and external environment of the organisation . The exercise was to find out the organisational challenges and successes, challenges that need intervention and successes that we need to build on to ensure a developed community, which is the main business of the organisation. There are several skills that the staff members should mainly possess, Administrative, Management, Financial, Programming, Marketing, Journalism etc.
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