Hexmail.cc Disposable Email Description
hexmail.cc is an email application like Gmail or Hotmail but with additional features. The first feature is spam protection. In a normal email application, you create an email address that everyone uses to send you email. Eventually that address is compromised and given to hackers and scammers. Then your inbox is flooded with spam. hexmail.cc fixes this by allowing each contact to use a different email address. You create a new email address for each one of your contacts so that if one is added to a spam list you can just delete that address.
The second feature is encryption. Using a public key as the email address it is possible for email to have end to end encryption, which is not usually possible with normal email applications. When you send a normal email, that email is saved on the company's servers in plain text. That means that anyone at the company, or any hacker, can easily read your emails. But if a public key is used as the email address, any and all email communication can be secure. Currently encryption is only supported within the hexmail.cc network. However, it is simple for any and all other email applications to implement it, so all email can be secure in the future. So get a glimpse of the future today with hexmail.cc.
Do you have difficulty using basic technology? Are mobile apps like Rube Goldberg devices to you? if so, head over to the https://hexmail.cc website to see a simple demo.
The second feature is encryption. Using a public key as the email address it is possible for email to have end to end encryption, which is not usually possible with normal email applications. When you send a normal email, that email is saved on the company's servers in plain text. That means that anyone at the company, or any hacker, can easily read your emails. But if a public key is used as the email address, any and all email communication can be secure. Currently encryption is only supported within the hexmail.cc network. However, it is simple for any and all other email applications to implement it, so all email can be secure in the future. So get a glimpse of the future today with hexmail.cc.
Do you have difficulty using basic technology? Are mobile apps like Rube Goldberg devices to you? if so, head over to the https://hexmail.cc website to see a simple demo.
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