"A Tale of Two Cities" is a novel by British writer Charles Dickens. This historical novel narrates life in the 18th century, at the time of the French Revolution.
The story takes place in two countries: England and France, and in the cities of London and Paris at the time of the dawn of the French Revolution. The first city would somehow symbolize peace and tranquility, a simple and orderly life; while the second would represent agitation, challenge and chaos, the conflict between two worlds at a time when drastic social changes are announced.
The story takes place in two countries: England and France, and in the cities of London and Paris at the time of the dawn of the French Revolution. The first city would somehow symbolize peace and tranquility, a simple and orderly life; while the second would represent agitation, challenge and chaos, the conflict between two worlds at a time when drastic social changes are announced.
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