Housing Helper Description
Housing Made Simple.
An app designed to help students with housing. Students can post their spots for sublease, and landlords/leasing companies can post their rentals. You can filter listings by category (i.e. single, double, triple, quad, or house) and sort by distance to campus, newest, and price.
Who you live with is as important as where you live, especially in college. Find the perfect people to live with. Filter by year, major, shared interests, and key description terms. Swipe through cards and see who's swiped yours. Compatibility score for each card.
You need to sign up using a .edu email. Landlords and Property Managers can gain access through quick and conclusive verification. This way, everyone gets legit and leads, every single time.
An app designed to help students with housing. Students can post their spots for sublease, and landlords/leasing companies can post their rentals. You can filter listings by category (i.e. single, double, triple, quad, or house) and sort by distance to campus, newest, and price.
Who you live with is as important as where you live, especially in college. Find the perfect people to live with. Filter by year, major, shared interests, and key description terms. Swipe through cards and see who's swiped yours. Compatibility score for each card.
You need to sign up using a .edu email. Landlords and Property Managers can gain access through quick and conclusive verification. This way, everyone gets legit and leads, every single time.
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