How to Massage Lower Back Pain Description
Learn How to Massage Lower Back Pain!
The lower back can become tight or sore for many different reasons. A few activities that cause tight lower back muscles include prolonged sitting at a desk, leaning over a sink, lifting heavy objects without bending your knees, or running on uneven pavement.
Fortunately, you can help alleviate a friend or client's lower back discomfort or even your own by loosening the sore muscles with massage.
The lower back can become tight or sore for many different reasons. A few activities that cause tight lower back muscles include prolonged sitting at a desk, leaning over a sink, lifting heavy objects without bending your knees, or running on uneven pavement.
Fortunately, you can help alleviate a friend or client's lower back discomfort or even your own by loosening the sore muscles with massage.
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