Jewish Zmanim Calendar Description
What is the Jewish Zmanim Calendar App?
The Jewish Zmanim Calendar App is a special calendar that was created by Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef ZTL and used by him until he passed away. The app is designed to recreate this calendar and also includes an option to display the zmanim of the Luach Amudei Horaah created by Rabbi Leor Dahan Shlita.
What does the app include?
The app includes everything you could want from a Jewish zmanim calendar! It has the following features:
Alot Hashachar/Dawn -
Misheyakir -
Sunrise -
Latest time for Shma (MGA and GRA) -
Latest time for Brachot Shma -
Chatzot -
Mincha Gedolah, Ketana, and Plag HaMincha -
Sunset -
Tzait Hacochavim -
Rabbeinu tam! -
Weekly Parasha! -
Birchat HeLevana! -
Birchat HaShemesh! -
Mashiv Haruach/Morid Hatal -
Tachanun! -
Daf Yomi / Yerushalmi Yomi! -
How does the app ensure accuracy?
The app has features in place to help you know that your zmanim are always accurate. It also includes a Shabbat/Chag Mode which allows you to see your zmanim over Shabbat and Chag!
N.B., the application requires the activation of permissions to access the geographical location in order to display the calendar accurately by region.
Who created the app?
The app was created by Eliyahu Hershfeld. Eliyahu created the KosherJava package to help the world calculate zmanim.
Please note that this app is not affiliated with any particular organization or institution. It is simply a tool to help you keep track of Jewish zmanim.
The Jewish Zmanim Calendar App is a special calendar that was created by Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef ZTL and used by him until he passed away. The app is designed to recreate this calendar and also includes an option to display the zmanim of the Luach Amudei Horaah created by Rabbi Leor Dahan Shlita.
What does the app include?
The app includes everything you could want from a Jewish zmanim calendar! It has the following features:
Alot Hashachar/Dawn -
Misheyakir -
Sunrise -
Latest time for Shma (MGA and GRA) -
Latest time for Brachot Shma -
Chatzot -
Mincha Gedolah, Ketana, and Plag HaMincha -
Sunset -
Tzait Hacochavim -
Rabbeinu tam! -
Weekly Parasha! -
Birchat HeLevana! -
Birchat HaShemesh! -
Mashiv Haruach/Morid Hatal -
Tachanun! -
Daf Yomi / Yerushalmi Yomi! -
How does the app ensure accuracy?
The app has features in place to help you know that your zmanim are always accurate. It also includes a Shabbat/Chag Mode which allows you to see your zmanim over Shabbat and Chag!
N.B., the application requires the activation of permissions to access the geographical location in order to display the calendar accurately by region.
Who created the app?
The app was created by Eliyahu Hershfeld. Eliyahu created the KosherJava package to help the world calculate zmanim.
Please note that this app is not affiliated with any particular organization or institution. It is simply a tool to help you keep track of Jewish zmanim.
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