방송대 공지사항 알리미 - KNOU notice 알리미 Description
Thank you in real time for 4 bulletin boards of KNOU announcements
When a new post is posted, you will be notified through a push notification.
Browsing is provided so that you can immediately check the announcement.
You can check it by downloading the attached file.
(You must have each viewer to view hwp, excel, and pdf files)
Notices by section and notices by local university are displayed.
Currently, only the bulletin board of the Department of Computer Science and the announcement of Gwangju Jeonnam Regional University are shown.
Production Korea Broadcasting University Gwangju Jeonnam Regional University Android Study
design by SUGAR
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View the contents as an image without downloading the image by attaching an attached file.
Announcement of new announcements by selecting your own department and local university.
Ability to push notifications to students of their own department to the student council officers.
When a new post is posted, you will be notified through a push notification.
Browsing is provided so that you can immediately check the announcement.
You can check it by downloading the attached file.
(You must have each viewer to view hwp, excel, and pdf files)
Notices by section and notices by local university are displayed.
Currently, only the bulletin board of the Department of Computer Science and the announcement of Gwangju Jeonnam Regional University are shown.
Production Korea Broadcasting University Gwangju Jeonnam Regional University Android Study
design by SUGAR
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View the contents as an image without downloading the image by attaching an attached file.
Announcement of new announcements by selecting your own department and local university.
Ability to push notifications to students of their own department to the student council officers.
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