Kotak Game Description
kotak rules:
1. two players 8x8 board game
2. one player starts at square 2:2, the other starts at square 7:7
3. in turn, player can move one step diagonally
4. or move in L direction (knight's move)
5. or jump from one corner to its diagonally opposite corner
6. each square can only be visited once
7. one point if you capture your opponent
8. four points if your opponent is trapped with no legal move
have fun!
1. two players 8x8 board game
2. one player starts at square 2:2, the other starts at square 7:7
3. in turn, player can move one step diagonally
4. or move in L direction (knight's move)
5. or jump from one corner to its diagonally opposite corner
6. each square can only be visited once
7. one point if you capture your opponent
8. four points if your opponent is trapped with no legal move
have fun!
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